The Son Of Eragon

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"Stupid dad" I thought as I lifted rocks with magic and throwing 10 yards away. Since my dad is a great rider named Eragon I inherited is girt of magic. Just then dad came out behind him saphira. "Hello little one" said saphira. "Hey I thought you called dad little one" I said as i sat down. "Called him little one when he was 16 but now he is 35 so you are little one" Saphira said. Fine I grumbled. Oh I havent introduced myself my name is Brom after my grandfather. Then my dad started talking to saphira it is time he said aye said saphira. So dad said come on Brom I have to show you something and started walking toward the forest. So i followed him deep into the forest to a stone door covered in moss and dad said a few quick words in the ancient language and the door slowly opened. Dad started walking in the tunnel we were walking for 20 minutes when there in a velvet cusion lay a dark purple stone. but then I looked at more closely and saw white veins on it and gasped and said is that ... aye said dad it s a dragon egg. I brought you here to see if you are worthy of being a dragon rider. step up to it and touch it. I did what I was told and the egg started shaking and dad cheered and saphira roared but I had 1 question. "Who are the parents of this egg? Thorn and Saphira dad said. Whoa I have only met Thorn once and he was smaller then saphira because after killing galbatorix dad used the name and changed thorn back to his normal size. Right then the crack appeared

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