Chapter Three

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Chapter Three.

Louis gaped at the sight in front of him. The sight was adorable. Babies were sat in their cribs and playing with toys, some are crying, and some are giggling. Harry reached an arm around Louis’ waist protectively. Harry leaned his head on Louis’ shoulder.  Sarah smiled shyly at both then cleared her throat loudly to get their attention. Harry turned to her. She smiled, looked at her note and told the couple to take a look and see the twins dorm. The couple nodded and Sarah went to her office. They walked around, cooing at the babies, sometimes joking around with them to make a laugh. Harry noticed Louis out of trance, looking at the babies innocently.

“Lou?” Harry asks and squeezes his hand tenderly. Louis turned around and his gaze broke with the twins.

“Harry, the babies are beautiful. But I’m worried.” Louis sighs dramatically and Harry chuckled.

“Don’t,” Harry assures. “Smile for me? For our future babies?”

Louis cracked a smile and leaned to Harry, “Okay, For you and the baby twins.” With that, Louis pressed his lips to Harry’s passionately. Harry giggled at the contact and they were pulled by a loud growl that sounded a girl’s growl. Harry’s head whipped to the direction until he met a baby girl giggling and groaning with her toys. His eyes flickered to the other figure next to her.

Baby girl and boy, twins.

Harry patted Louis on the shoulder he was grinding on and told him to look at the direction. Louis took a deep breath and looked at the babies. His eyes wandered around for few seconds until he found the twins Harry was staring at. His breathing hitched, the babies were beautiful. They had bits from Harry and Louis’. The girl had light brown curls, the boy had feathery dark brown hair, their eyes were emerald green, the girl’s skin was white and creamy like Harry’s, The baby boy’s skin was dark tan, it looked beautiful. Their lips were feminine and red. Harry whined, because the babies looked much alike them. Louis reached for the baby boy. The baby boy was tiny and short, and Louis guessed he will look like him. When Louis reached for the boy, rocking him in the air. He kicked his tiny feet in the air playfully. Louis cooed at the adorableness then held the baby close. The baby whimpered hid his face in his tiny hands. Harry gave a teary laugh, whispering.

“I think we’ve found our babies,”

Louis turned and rocked the baby, “They are so cute!” He places the baby back in the crib, next to his frowning sister. He smiled at them then laced his fingers with Harry’s. The people around didn’t really stare.

“Are we sure they are the ones?” Louis swallowes thickly and loudly, looking in Harry’s eyes. They were worried green, not bright green, not dark green, just worried.

“Louis, I don’t know. What’s your opinion?” Harry scoffs. Louis sighed and squeezed Harry’s hand reassuringly.

“They look alike us a lot, right? They are cute and cuddly, they don’t seem old, like 6 months or something. Is that okay?” Louis’ words seemed to brighten Harry’s mood. “I’ll take that as a yes then,” The older man chuckled teasingly. Harry kissed Louis’ cheek, lingering there, then giving him a lick and pulled away. Louis cringed at that, wiping his the spit from his cheek. Harry pouted at that, Louis looked around carefully and found that nobody is staring so he leaned in and kissed the pouty lips, leaving small shiny layer on his lips. Harry didn’t wipe it, instead, his tongue swept on his lips. Closing his eyes on the contact.

“Dirty,” Louis’ eyes started to widen, because Harry does that when they’re…well.

 “Oh, baby. Now let’s go to Sarah and tell her that we’re deciding to adopt these two.” Louis cooes, giving Harry a smile. Harry simply nodded, slightly nervous because they will be parents in few minutes, few minutes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2014 ⏰

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