Chapter 5: Punishment

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I really hated it, I really did. That was my first time ever, getting a punishment. I was not an average student for sure, principle knew me well so she should have asked me at least tried to believe me that what happened wasn't exactly what really happened. Well it was all done, so I decided to finish up the damn punishment which I totally didn't deserved. I walked straight to the chemistry lab. Zaki didn't knew where to go, how could he? He was the transfer student. So he followed me. I walked in the lab. There was a whole lot of things that were to be clean. Everywhere, every lab equipment was covered with dust. I was allergic to dust and pollen. So I was afraid a bit that it could do me harm if I spend more than 20 minutes in there. I couldn't even asked Zaki, I couldn't even tell him about my dust allergy. I just started cleaning. I took a rough piece of cloth from the drawer and started cleaning. I turned around to see if he's doing anything or is just standing watching me. But he was, cleaning. He was setting up all the stools. i was just looking at him cleaning when he saw me seeing him. I quickly turned around and started cleaning again. After some time I was cleaning the equipment's but the second shelf of equipment was still left so I had to clean it. I saw Zaki, he was almost done with setting up the stools. He was near me, putting the stools where I was standing. The shelf was too up I couldn't reach it. I tried hard but I couldn't reach them. Zaki saw me then. He wouldn't have been laughing at me from inside that I couldn't reach them. I was still angry, not a lot but still a bit. I dragged one of stools that he had set up. I stood up on the stool, tried to reach them but it was still high up. I tried to get my arm straight up to get one of it. I didn't noticed and moved a bit back on the stool. I was only one step forward from the end of stool. Still I focused on getting the equipment.


I was almost done in setting up the stools. I was near Maya. I saw her standing on the stool, trying to get the lab equipment. She was standing on the stool noticing how close she was from falling. I couldn't focus on my work. I was afraid that she was going to fall if she stepped back just a bit. I was looking at her and also was setting up the stools. She moved back and was going to fall. She screamed, I ran towards her and cached her. She was on my arms. I was looking at her so was she. We were close.

Maya: Are you going to put me down?

I was so into her that I couldn't focus on any other thing she said. I was looking at her lips. They were so pink, felt so soft and comfy and.

Maya: Zaki? Let go of me. Would you? Please.

I came to my consciousness and put her down. I was blushing kind. So I walked to the other side.


I would have fall down on the floor and broken one of my arms or legs if Zaki wasn't there. I decided to stop getting angry on him. And thought of the accident again. Maybe I Zaki was near me and I didn't noticed on that day. I just cleared my mind from that accident and thanked him.

Maya: Zaki?

He turned around.

Zaki: Umm yeah?

Maya: Thank you.

Zaki: For?

Maya: For saving my life multiple times.

Zaki: It's okay.

He smiled and so did I. then we started working again. I was going to fall before and I didn't wanted to do it again so I didn't cleaned the upper shelf instead I started all the other things. I was cleaning when I started feeling little low. I felt like it was so suffocation in the lab. I started having problems in breathing, I couldn't stand still so I sat on the floor. I took out my phone from pocket and looked at the time. It had almost been half an hour since I was working in the lab. Doctors told me not be close near dust and pollen because I had a severe allergy and I had been there for half an hour so I knew what was happening to me and what exactly was going to happen to me with in the next 5 minutes. I couldn't breathe properly. I was going to call out Zaki but then I decided to call my mother. I dialed the number and she didn't picked up my call. I tried 3 times but she didn't picked up the phone. My breathing was becoming heavy and heavy. I wasn't even able to talk or call. I called out his name, Zaki. He didn't responded because my voice was so low, I was having breathing difficulties. I didn't knew what to do. I knew my voice was not strong enough. I was sitting on the floor so I straighten up my arm to get one of the equipment from the shelf. Luckily I got one. I held it with full pressure, got my hand straight up, pulled my hand back to the floor with full pressure and broke the glass.


I heard something.

Zaki: Maya? Did you broke something?

Maya: Zaki. Help me.

I heard her voice slowly. I ran towards her. And saw her on the floor, hand covered with blood and glass. I quickly got near her, I looked at her face, and it was pale white.

Zaki: Maya? Maya what happened to your hand? You look pale are you alright?


I couldn't talk. That was my last strength. I was breathing so heavy that I didn't had the capacity to talk. I looked into his eyes and then I fainted.


I didn't knew, didn't had any idea what was happening to her. She was on the floor with her hand covered with blood. Her face was pale white and sweaty and her eyes was dark red, filled with tears. She wanted to say something to me but she couldn't and she fainted right in my arms.

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