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he knows about Akane amane.. "Yuu~chan who's Akane amane?" Mika asked I shut my eyes"Mika..She's my sister" I began to cry "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry I lied"

I hear a slap I look up to see Yuki on the ground and Mika looking down on her "Mika.." he looks at me "We can talk about it later, Yuki pack your shit and leave" she began to laugh "Your going to be the next person to be the CEO of the company" she looked up "Fuck that job and Leave" he yelled, "Yuu do me a favor and go to my room" he said "No..." I said "Yuki get out!" I said pushing her, the next thing I know...

She kissed me, I try and push her but she was holding on to me "Get your hand away from him!"

Let's just say that there was lots of Swearing and pushing for Yuki to get out

I hug Mika's back
"Wanna talk Mika?" I asked him he nodded "Yuu Start" did he really say a made a pun with my name? "Fine I will start Mikaela" I laughed

"It was about a 3 years after you left they left me here with my Aunt but when the last year of middle school came around, it was when she left for a company called hyakuya toy company, then I found out during freshman year that my parents had a computer company called Amane computer company, it was heartbreaking when I also found out that they had 2 small children there, with the same eye color and same hair, I was pissed about that but then 3 years later you came around me and you are dating and sitting here talking"

I said all that crying Mika looked into my eyes "Your turned, wait do you have any questions?" "Do you know why they left?" "I forgot 2 months before they left I told them I was gay..."

"I guess it's my turn now, 2 years after I left, Yuki and my parents wanted me to be the next CEO of the toy company, every time they ask I always say no, when it was my birthday I was planning on visiting you but my mom and dad said no way in hell! I was shocked I wanted to teach you some words, I would always go to my room to do homework, then when I was forced to go to college they kicked me out, that's why I asked if I could be your roommate..."

We both hugged each other "I love you so much Yuu~chan" he kissed me "I love me too" I laughed "Eh?" He said "It's 10:40 PM you have school tomorrow" Mika smiled "I hate you.." "I love me too"

"Night Mika" I said going to my room "Night Yuu~chan"

I began to take a shower,

I start seeing my parents fighting and throwing shit


I began to cry "I am stupid piece of shit of a devil child" I cried "Yuu~chan are you okay you been in the shower for almost an hour" Mika knocked on the door "Y-Y-eah!" I said turning off the shower "Kay night!" "Night"

Maybe I should start


Yeah maybe that will help

I try and fine a sharp thing to cut myself with "I wonder why Mika had this" I said picking up the sharp, I began to cut, it hurt at first day

Should stop 1,2,3,4,5, 5 cuts I wrap my bruise with bandages

I went to bed and went to sleep

I yawn and felt small pain "ouch...it's only 7:30 AM... I got about an hour"

"Yuu~chan? Your up?" I hear Mika say through the door "Yeah" I said back He opens the door "get ready" "Why?"

"Because, you have school" he said disappointed "I have an hour left Mikaela" he walks over here "Okay okay, I'm getting up!" I yelled, he smirk "Good Yuichiro" he said walking out whatever happened to Kurl, did they...yeah did they then I would't be dating him...right?

I got ready "Mika? Can I ask you something?"I said walking down the stairs 'hm?' "Did you ever broken up with Kurl?" He went silent shit... "I'm gonna head out!"I smiled, we both knew what I was doing

I walked out the door, with my bag "I'm an asshole.." I mumbled "Yuu!" I hear Yuichi said "huh, oh hey Yuichi" I waved to him, he runs to me, me and him began walking "Soo..guess who I'm dating~" He smiles "Wait your dating someone?!" I asked looking at him "Yeah! Oh wait yeah I'm..Gay..." he mumbles "I knew you were" "how-oh right..."

"Hey! He's mine!" He laughed "Congratulations" "Thanks! Oh hey congratulations as well, you know you and Mikaela"

"how do you know-Shinoa..." I blush in embarrassment "Yeah she texted me about it" he laughed, "Heyyy~" I look over to see a purple haired and a yellowed haired girls waving at us

"SHINOA!" I said running to her "Hahahaha!" She laughed

I got the blade from my bag, and went to the bathroom, and began to cut

6,7,8,9,10,11 and 12 cuts they hurt like a bitch, but i also like it, I clean all the blood off the sink, I went outside the bathroom "Hey Yuu!" Yuichi said "hey Yuichi" I said trying to not sound like I was in pain "You okay? Do you need to go to the Nurse?" He asked worried "Nah" I lied "Kay.." he looked at me worried

•Time skip•
When I got up, I saw Mika on the couch "Hey..Mika" I said to him "Hey Yuu~chan, hey would you like to go on a date with me again?" He asked out of no where "Why?" "For fun"

"Okay" I smiled, he kisses me

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