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i love you if youre reading this hhhhhhh ilyyy

when jela walked in the school, she felt nauseous and anxious. the fact that her friends are not with her is not helping either.

well actually she doesn't care about the people, she was just scared of being too intimidating for people since the word intimidating was always an adjective many people can describe her and her family.

it was her first day in seventh grade and she be fidgety as she can get. whenever she turned her head it always seems as if she doesn't belong there, as if she is a complete nobody.

dread filled her when she felt her space closing in, the halls flooding with students.

an arm wrapped itself on her shoulders and she jumped.

"so, jela, what made you enroll to this school?" she looked at her right to see her old friend, neon.

she sighed in content and in happiness, feeling secure with her friend. she leaned in on him and smiled,

"my mom and my dad told me to, since this is where the children of their business partners are. seriously, i am fuckin' drowning in these car-scented perfumes, ew."

neon laughed with jela and took off his headphones and his arm off of her and digging it in his hoodie instead.

"yeah, i can smell the reek of perfume  and their bitchiness from here."

both laughed loudly and went out to go to the large gymnasium.

in the front were tall seniors holding up signs, indicating the names of the sections and the grade.

students were forming two lines each per section and large masses of space divided the grades.

jela and neon looked at their attendance papers, scanning for the name of their sections.

"i swear, if we are not classmates, my life, my sanity will crash and burn into pieces, only to be thrown into the dark oblivion."

jela gritted her teeth while searching for the name.

"same here."

their eyes met the second they found the name.

they did a small giddy and silly handshake then they side hugged.

"we are classmates, bitch!"

they yelled and laughed, various students and some friend groups looked at the two, judging them both as they thanked god.

both searched for the section name and fell in line, gender-wise. girls on the left, boys on the right.

neon though was almost at the back of the line, since the amount of males in the class were dominating with the girls. jela was next to a boy, in the next line to her left where neon and the other males in her class are.

he had sharp eyes, dark hair, darker skin color than hers, his face had no blemishes of flaws, square glasses and a tall also lean physique.

he looked stunning.

"excuse me, miss?"

jela drew her attention to the noise. she came face to face with a smaller figure, a girl. she then asked if she needed something.

the girl smiled and asked if this was section grade seven cirrocumulus.

"actually, this is grade seven cirrus, cirrocumulus is on our right."

the girl smiled and thanked her, the girl then went to her assigned section.


"for fuck's sake why do we need to do 'in front of the class introductions' if we can just fucking stand from our seats and not go in front?"

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