Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

She couldn't hear what her mother was saying, didn't hear her laughter as she looked back at the red that now stained the marble floor.

She tried to look away as the guardsmen dropped the body they'd held between them. The head was a few feet away where it bounced and rolled toward her.

She tried to not see the future they had being scattered to the wind, the ring on her finger, a promise that was now broken.

All the fights, the smiles, the touches.

Every earth-shaking kiss.

She didn't even get to say goodbye.

Didn't want to have to.

Forever gone in an instant.

Lyv didn't know when her knees gave out from under her, but she found herself on the floor, leaned forward with one hand on the cool marble floor. The blood started to seep toward her, touching her fingertips.

Her mother laughed again, said something else.

And then she was being hauled back up, her arms constrained by two guardsmen as they walked her out of the throne room.

She could hear the cries and shouts of rage from those around them. Many, though, with tears in their eyes, put their fists over their hearts, bowing their heads in respect and grief for their princess.

Her eyes passed over the glamoured Jai, who bowed his head and stepped into the shadows, disappearing before anyone could see him. She saw the look on his face, though, the hard set in his jaw, eyes that wouldn't meet her own. As if he knew this was going to happen. Or something like it.

She hoped to never see him again.

The guardsmen didn't stop until they reached her rooms. Her door, which had been busted open, was now replaced, the locks on the outside. The bodies of Tulia and the guardsmen were gone, along with the blood that had stained the walls and flooring. They opened it, shoved her inside, and she landed in a heap on the carpet, locking the door behind her.

Lyv didn't move for a moment, squeezing her eyes closed as she tried to force herself from this dream. But when she opened her eyes to her quiet room, she knew there was no going back.

Her arms and legs quaked as she pushed herself up to stand. Her eyes traced the sitting room as she walked forward, going into her bed chamber.

Her sheets were still rumpled from the night before last. She imaging Amory lying there in bed, asleep on his stomach, her fingers dancing over his muscles of his back.

And even though Amory had only stayed there a few nights with her once they were back in the city, his things were still everywhere. A pair of boots by the doorway into the bathing room, his belt and a tunic slung over the back of the chair, some of his parchment on the small desk by the window.

It was that desk she found herself going to, a fountain pen laying where it hadn't been previously, along with a folded piece of parchment with her name scrawled in his familiar print on the outside.

Remember that life you dreamt up for us? The one I could not help but laugh at? I want it, Lyv. One day, we will have it. I promise. We will conquer the world, just you and me. And I will tell you every day how much I love you.


Morning turned to afternoon, which then grew into night as the sun began to set. Her door would open every few hours, but whoever it was, they didn't say anything.

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