"Hold On"

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The start was amazing.

I was new, had a new style, a new feel...

Is what I thought.

I was shy, a introverted girl with anxiety. Nothing new, same old same old

Same old..... 

Same old me.

I thought I could change.

I was told I was pretty.

I hung out with others; first the popular, now the real friends who hold me back sometimes.

Same old same old

Is what I thought

There was new people, I had a new mature vibe.

My interests were somewhat different from the geeky me of 6th and 7th grade.

But I still held the same feelings of anxiety and introverted-ness.

Though, I hid that inside, and showed and outstanding girl who lots of people talk to.

A girl who leads and believes what she thinks.

She talked to a lot of people, she did...

But they never understood her. 

Not even had they tried.

It switched from I to she in merely a second.

An unknown girl, until I went home.

There, I was me, alone, feeling the aftermath of the day.

Embarrassing things that I did dwelled on my stomach.

The anger I felt from a stupid classmate always pranking and annoying me, clenched my fists.

And most of all, the sadness in my heart for not being able to show the real me, or have anyone see the "true me."

She thought it would never be like this,

but what "she" thought was not "I."

The start....

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