Part 22

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Elom </3: Hey you haven't talked to me or texted me all day... Is there anything wrong? Did I say anything to offend you? If I did I'm sorry. You know I never mean to hurt you. I would do anything to make you happy. You're the love of my life. Please tell me you aren't mad at me.

You: Elom I've been thinking and I don't think this is gonna work out...

Elom </3: What isn't gonna work out baby..?

You: Us

Elom </3: What do you mean us, What did I ever do??

You: You haven't did anything you were a perfect boyfriend, you was everything I ever wanted and needed. I love you Elom but it isn't you its me. I thought I was ready for a relationship but I wasn't. You need someone is better than me, someone who is gonna treat you better than me. Like everyone says I'm not good enough for you. Elom I'm not the one for you. I'm sorry...

Elom </3: WHAT DO YOU MEAN,YOU DO TREAT ME GOOD. YOU ARE THE APPLE OF MY EYE, fuck what everyone else says you are the one for me it doesn't get better than you. You are good enough, and you most def are the one for me. I love you baby, And I always will we don't need to break up were the perfect relationship..

You: Elom I don't know.... 

Elom is typing......


To be honest I would never break up with elom that nigga is fine. But anyway stay tune for part 2. Is elom gonna fight for the relationship or give up. Comment if you want them to break up and become bestfriends or stay with eachother. VOTE DOWN BELOW 

Break up


Stay with eachother 

Texts||Elom Kuwonu(Wattys2018)Where stories live. Discover now