Chapter Nine

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"Where you drinking water out of a blender?" Virgil blinked in confusion and judgement, staring at his roommate.

"It's the biggest container we have." Roman said, holding a blender filled with water and complete with a single straw.

"There are glasses, you know." Virgil said. "I got a whole set from Target, they're there for a reason."

Roman shrugged. "I'm trying to drink as much water as I can before my audition today. I avoided coffee because caffeine is bad for your voice." His eyes grew as if he just had a sudden thought of realization. "Oh! I almost forgot- watermelon is good for your voice too." He opened the fridge and pulled out a whole watermelon, took out a steak knife, and cut it into four quadrants. He took one of the four and took a huge bite into the middle, getting watermelon juice everywhere.

"You're disgusting." Virgil said.

"You're stuck with me, I'm your roommate." Roman said. "Dammit, I got watermelon juice on my shirt, now I have to change."

"Why are you trying so hard to do these things? I mean, yeah, water is good for your voice, but you don't have to drink a gallon of it. And you certainly don't have to eat a fourth of a watermelon and get it everywhere." Virgil said.

"I also swallowed a couple seeds." Roman said.

Virgil looked at him. "You're the confident type, I can tell, so you don't want to admit it, but you're scared about this audition, aren't you?"

"You're a smart guy, Virgil." Roman sighed. "You want the truth? I'm terrified."

"Why're you so nervous? You've done plenty of auditions before, haven't you?" Virgil asked.

"Yeah, I have, but auditions are always nerve-wracking no matter how many you've done." Roman said. "And... This one in particular is for a show that I've loved ever since high school. It's a rare show, and this is the first I've seen auditions open in my area. I would die to get in." 

"Ah." Virgil said. "Well, if it makes you feel any better, I think you're pretty good. You can get that part." 

"Thanks." Roman said. "I'm still pretty nervous though... What if they don't think that?"

"We've all been there, Roman. Maybe not all of us have auditions, but we've all had something where we're worried we won't do our best, and then everything will go downhill. They say we shouldn't worry about what others think, but it's not as easy as it sounds. It's the director's job to judge you, and you're worried about what they're going to think. But the director is on your side, and they're human too." Virgil said.

"Wow, that was beautiful. You're pretty good at comforting people." Roman smiled softly.

"I've learned it all from Logan, Patton, and Thomas comforting me over the years. I'm usually the problematic one- I learned a thing or two from them, I guess. I just think about what they'd say and go with that." Virgil said. "After all, I was the one who couldn't go anywhere without having a panic attack."

"Panic attacks?" Roman probed.

Virgil nodded. "I have a pretty bad case of the anxiety disorder. You can probably tell, I'm a mess. I'm kinda a handful, I'm sorry-"

"What're you apologizing for? You don't need to apologize for your anxiety." Roman said.

"Thanks." Virgil said. "Anyways, this is about you, not me. Just take it easy before your audition. You're going to do great."

Roman nodded. "Thanks, Virge."

Virgil clicked his tongue. "Anytime."


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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2018 ⏰

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