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it started as a small cold, no one thought it would get out of hand.

the symptoms began as a normal cold would, 

-i just started off coughing at first,

-then mucus started coming out of my mouth, a green/yellowish color, sometimes blood too.

-after the mucus came a slight fever,

-after the fever, came the chills,

-after the chills, came my breathing problems, i kept loosing my breath doing the simplest things, like walking up the stairs, or walking to the fridge in the kitchen,

- the chest pain and fast heartbeat followed,

-but soon after, i felt too tired and too week to even sit up in my bed,

-the vomiting was the worst stage out of all of them,

i'm stable as of today, but i'm still dying.

30 days, what could i do in 30 days?

the options are limitless. 

don't really know, if i'm going to continue this..

just trying something new.

thoughts? should i continue?

p.s i know i need a cover lol

30 days to live | lashton | {ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now