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~Ashton's POV~

all of my happiness was gone. thirty days, how was i going to live out my life in thirty days? more importantly... how was i going to break the news to my friends? to my family? to anyone who's ever cared? 

i was supposed to grow old. i was supposed to fall in love, several times before finally being happy. i was supposed to go to college. i was supposed to be happy. all of my plans; ruined.

 to think that after today, i only had thirty days. i know i have to make these next thirty days of my life, something special. what is that expression, YOLO? i think that's it, and well YOLO... i only got thirty days, so here is my version of YOLO.

i had been thinking of this; it began a few weeks ago, but i thought i would bring it up. since i'm dying, and i only have a few weeks, days even. i might as well take risks and live my life they way it should be, i should do this before i have to go. besides it's not like i'm hurting anyone. i like to think of this as the last one good thing i do to myself before i pass, it's like a present to me; being the person i've always wanted to be. 

do the things i wanted to do. say the things iv'e wanted to say. take risks and challenges, since these are my last days, i might as well take risks. i might as well, think outside of the box. i might as well, be daring and make myself stand out, maybe then i'll be remembered.

i looked to my right and found a notebook, the doctor left it for me to document all the days i'm trapped here. i had a better idea. ;)

I began writing a list, not just any old list. a special list. 30 things i wanted to do before i die and i will do everything in the world to make sure everything on this list gets completed the best ability i can provide. i'm not exactly in the best shape ever, but i'm going to try really hard to get my list completed.

so what's #1?


sorry it was short. but by the time you guys read it (and i post it) i will be on vacation. i'm going to be gone for a week, and there's no telling if i'll have internet or internet access. if i do, i'll try my best to at least write parts or upload. but if i don't get around to it, i hope y'all have a great week :)

30 days to live | lashton | {ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now