Birthday Surprise

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• Birthday Suprise

Bonnie: Tyler there you are

Tyler: Here I am, how can I help you

Bonnie: Well as you know Carolies birthday is coming up and Elena can't help me, so seeing as your her boyfriend I thought you would like to help

Tyler: Yer of course

Bonnie: Right let's go to the store and get the stuff we need

Tyler: I'll drive

(At The Store)

Bonnie: Right go and get the ballons, and cake while I get the banners and everything else

Tyler: Kay kay

Tylers P.O.V

*Ballons... Ballons... Ballons... Where do they keep these things

*oh look there's an worker

Tyler: Excuse me?

Worker: Yes?

Tyler: Do you know where the ballons are?

Worker: Yes there jut over there

Tyler: Okay thanks

*Over there where?

*Oh there they are now which ones, well the 18 ones will be a good idea so some of them

*Right cake time

*Hmm which one... That one

(Back With Bonnie)

Bonnie: Have you got everything

Tyler: Yep

Bonnie: Lets go

(At Carolines House)

Bonnie: Right you start to set things up, and I'm going to get Caroline

Tyler: It will be done by the time you get back

Bonnie: Good

(When Caroline And Bonnie Turn Up At The Party)

Tyler: Happy birthay Caroline!

Caroline: Thanks, but way happend here

Bonnie: Tyler what have you done those ballons say 'Happy 1st Birthday' Caroline is seventeen

Tyler: Err... Well I thought that I picked up 17, but to be honist it is still right cause it's been a year Caroline has been a vampire

Caroline: Well he's got a point

Bonnie: But that's not the point, what happend to the cake

Tyler: It kinds fell over in the car... Sorry

Bonnie: TYLER!

Caroline: Well I think it's lovely thank you Tyler... Thank you both of you


All rights go to L.J. Smith


This was done on my iPod so sorry if irbid bad quality :)







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