Finding Her

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Gracer's POV

As I sit in my office like I do every day for hours on end I start to fall asleep from the sheer boredom. As I continue to daze in and out of sleep I smell something. Something wild and beautiful. The smell finally hits me and I snap awake from it. The smell is so strong and sweet. It's like roses and baked bread. I know an odd combo, but it worked somehow.

I stand and inhale the sweet scent and wonder where it's coming from. All I know at this point it's somewhere in my territory but not in the house. I walk to and open the office door and try following the scent. One of my men by then walks by and asks me what I'm doing. I simply tell him nothing and he walks away down a hallway behind me.

Since I know the scent is not coming from within the house I go to the front door and open it. The smell hits me like a bag of bricks. I continue walking and before I realize I'm running. I'm headed down towards the outskirts. Every step I take the smell becomes stronger and overwhelming. It floods my sense of smell and I can breath in no other scent through the air. As I continue to run I head down a small road where most of the lower ranked wolves live.

The scent draws me to one lone house in the middle of the rows of houses. The house is simple and familiar. When I reach the front door I knock and when no one answers I knock more not even realizing that from the sheer strength from my knocking I could rip the door from its place. As I knock and pound the door the scent seems to come closer and then the door opens. The girl on the other side freezes once she sees me.

"Alpha Gracer, what can I do for you?" her voice, her beautiful blue eyes, and that long brown hair, not to mention her amazing looking lips. Everything about this girl is beautiful and perfect. But who is she? Then it hits me,

"Mate." I say as I barge into the house and slam her against the wall all the while I kiss her and hold her face in my hands. I can't stop kissing her. I have no more breath and I know she wouldn't either but I just couldn't stop. Or maybe I didn't want to. The girl puts her hands on my chest and pushes me away. As I step backwards I hear her gasping for air. Her hair in covering some of her face and is a little messy thanks to me. Her lips are swollen and wide open, just tempting me to kiss her again. I walk closer and the young girl straightens herself out. I place my left hand on her face and smile feeling the tingles coming from her, "What's your name?" I ask looking into her amazingly blue eyes.

She hesitates before saying a word like someone would do when their afraid, "Rachel, Rachel Johnson."


As I sit on the couch in Rachel's house I think about all the rumors and hatred towards her. When I first heard her name I froze because I realized who my mate was, the half-breed. The tainted blood of the pack, but after the first few seconds I decided that I didn't care if she was a half blood. I didn't care no one in the pack liked her. She was my mate, the one I've been waiting for since day one.

Rachel walks into the room with a tray with some coffee on it, "Here you go Alpha Gracer." she passes the mug to me and I grab it and take a sip. The coffee is hot but it's very good like one you'd get at a Starbucks or something.

"This is very good. And Rachel you don't need to call me Alpha Gracer. I'm your mate so you can just call me Gracer." I address her while putting the mug of hot coffee down.

Rachel sits down on the couch across from me, "I'm sorry, I'm just so used to calling you that. I know you know who I am so why haven't you left, if I may ask such a question?"

"It's fine, and of course. To answer your question, I haven't left because I don't care what others think of you, or who you are. Besides I made a promise to a friend that I'd keep you safe. But I'm staying mostly because I care." I tell her the truth and she know this.

"Thank you that means a lot. But if I do say so I know that if I wasn't you're mate you really wouldn't care." Rachel says to me finally sitting down on the couch in front of me. With the look of sadness and hate on her face just makes me wish I could do something, but as a Alpha to a very judge mental pack of Rouges I know it would be a hard case to plea.

I inch closer to her and look Rachel dead in the eyes, "Even if you weren't my mate I'd still care. I've always cared about the well being of you're family and I made a promise to Beck that I'd keep you safe." I tell her trying to convince her but it doesn't seem to be working.

"If you made a promise to keep me safe why haven't you done so? I go through life every day being harassed, beaten, and fearing to go outside at any time of day. That's not what I would call keeping someone safe." Rachel stands and walks out of the living room and back to the kitchen. I follow suit.

Rachel goes to the fridge and opens sit the door separating us. I growl because I can't see her beautiful eyes and move around the door. I grab her and pull her to the island counter. I pin her to the counter and start to kiss her, her soft lips once again in a surprise. it takes only a minute for her to accept the kiss and starts to hug me with her legs. I grab her ass and lift her on top of the counter. Our bodies are so close there's almost no air between us. As Rachel pulls away for air I start kissing her neck trailing my lips and teeth down her soft skin. She moans when she feels my canines and I can feel her body shake with want.

By this time I know I've gone to far and I back away slightly but just enough so Rachel can still hug me with her legs. As I pull away she moans in frustration as she realizes what's happening. I move closer so my head rests on hers. "I will never let anything bad happen to you ever again, this I promise with all my heart and soul." Our eyes close and we stay there for several minutes. I hug Rachel and she begging to cry. I run my fingers through her hair to try and come her and she soon falls asleep in my arms.

I pick her up and walk her upstairs following her scent back to her room. I open the door and walk her to bed and place Rachel under the covers, her tiny body sleeping soundly while I sit at the desk chair controlling myself since her pheromones are still out of whack. I sit there for the rest of the night hoping that in due time she will except me as her mate and the promise I made to her.


Ok so here's this. I know it may be quite short for some of you but I'm having an off day with the things happening today, but since I'm stuck at home on a school day I had nothing else to do.

Hope you enjoy ;)


Rachel's Story (Pre Noval To Raped But Fell In Love)Where stories live. Discover now