Nothing by The Script

8 1 0

Camille Martinez

"C'mon Ana you need to eat your peaches." I groaned.

"No!" She shouted and flung the food at me, ruinging my white v-neck.

"I swear to god-"  "Cam chill. Go answer the door and I'll feed Ana." Carlos cut me off.

I nodded and stood from the kitchen chair and headed to the door while rubbing my hands up and down my face in frustation. I swung the door open and froze when I saw Harry standing there in a white t-shirt, black skinny jeans and a faded jean jacket with an orange beanie on his head.

"Uh hey?" I said in extreme confusion as to why he was on my door step.

"Me, you and your daughter are going to the park." He said and squeezed past me and walked into my house.

"And why wasn't I informed about this?" I asked.

"You were but you probably haven't looked at your phone." He shrugged as he eyed my attire.

"What is that?" He asked and came towrd me and reached a hand out to touch it. 

"Peaches." I said, smacking his hand away. "Ana was being a pain in my ass and wouldn't eat." I mumbled.

"Can I meet her?' He asked.

"C'mon." I nodded my head toward the kitchen.

He followed me into the kitchen and I burst into laughter at the sight infront of me. Carlos had obviously pissed Ana off which resulted in him having a pile of mushy peaches in his hair.

"It's not funny." Carlos mumbled, violently taking the peaches out of his hair and slamming it onto the kitchen counter. "I have work to do. Good luck with her." Carlos mumbled and pushed past me.

"Is that your brother?"  Harry asked.

"Yeah his name is Carlos." I nodded while cleaning up the mess Carlos and Ana made.

"And what's your name cutie." I heard Harry speak in a playful tone.

"Ana" She giggled.

"Why aren't you eating babe?" He asked her and held up the remaining mushed peaches to her.

She made a disgusted face and shoved them away.

"No. Icky." She stuck her tongue out.

I face palmed realizing that the reason she wouldn't eat was because she hated peaches just like I did when I was little. I walked over to the cabinet and grabbed the container of mushed bananas and handed them to Harry along with another spoon.

"Could you feed her so I can clean the kitchen then change?" I asked.

He nodded and started feeding Ana.

After I finished with the kitchen I went to my room and changed out of my soiled clothes and into a sand colored oversized t-shirt tucked into black high waisted skinny jeans. I slipped on some socks and then my black combat boots. I tossed my hair into a messy pony tail then did my usual make up before grabbing my black fringe purse and exiting my room.

"Ready?" I asked walking into the living room.

"Yeah I changed Ana's clothes but I let her choose so this is what she chose." Harry chuckled and picked Ana up from the floor. I smiled at the sight of her in her black long sleeved shirts, pink tutu and white tights with pink polka dots and her little pink uggs.

"You look like a princess." I smiled and kissed her nose.

Harry propped her on his hip and followed me out the door and to his car.

"Shit, I need her car seat." I said and went toward my car but Harry stopped me by grabbing my wrist.

"I already have one in my car don't worry." He chuckled.

I raised an eye brow at him confused as to why he had a car seat.

"I have my god daughter with me a lot." He shrugged.

"Ohhh." I nodded.

Harry buckled Ana into the car seat and I hopped into the passenger seat and waited for him to get in a drive us to the park.


Once at the park I got Ana out of the car seat while Harry got something from the trunk. He came around the car and to me with a red rolled up blanket under one arm then wrapped his other around my waist and pecked my lips before we went into the almost deserted park.

"Tell me about yourself." I said from beside Harry and watched Ana play with her toys as she sat between Harry's spread out legs.

"I'm 20... I have an older sister... I'm kind of bad with relationships and I like pasta." He said and looked at me, his green eyes pouring into my brown ones. "Tell me about you." He nudged me.

"Um... I have a daughter obviously. I use to live in New Mexico until my parents kicked me out and my daughter's father passed away... Oh and I really like chips." I smiled.

"Wait. Why'd your parents kick you out?" He asked.

I nodded toward Ana, not wanting to speak.

"They kicked you out for being pregnant?" He asked.

"Yup." I sighed.

"What happened to her dad?" He asked nodding toward Ana.

"He was killed the night after she was born in a drug deal gone wrong." I mumbled and looked down at my lap.

"I'm sorry." He said softly and entwined his fingers with mine.

"I don't need your pity." I mumbled.

"And I'm not giving it to you. I'm apologizing to them." He said.

"That makes no sense Harry." I laughed looking into his emerald eyes.

"Oops." He shrugged and leaned in until his lips were on mine.

"Eww!" Ana shouted making Harry and I laugh into the kiss.

"Shush child I'm trying kiss your hot mom." Harry said to her before cupping my face in his hands and kissing me again.

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