cHRISTMAS AT THE GRaNGERS.(including bushy)

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The next couple of days were filled with great lunches,laughter,talk,and cuddling.

Britain was starting to become very,very cold.To the point where Hermione and Harry couldn't even go outside.It was bad.On December 23rd,specifically,It was negative 10 degrees.Hermione's house was an igloo.

Hermione had awoken that night because of Harry's tossing and turning.He was whimpering in his sleep,and Hermione's heart pounded.She heard the tossing stop,and eased back.That is,until a dark skinny figure appeared in her doorway.Hermione screamed,and Harry jumped.He flicked the lights on,and Hermione's rapid breaths stopped.

"Sorry.."Harry grumbled.Hermione nodded reassuringly."Im really cold.."he started,nervous."Can I—you know,s-sle—cuddle with you?"he said,squeakily.Hermione hesitated for a second,giving the impression she didn't want to. Harry sighed."I'll be going now.."and before Hermione could say anything,he shut the door.

Hermione would've wanted to cuddle and sleep with him;but he had got the wrong message and they weren't able to do so.About 30 minutes later,Hermione hesitantly got up and creaked open the door to Harry's bedroom,where he was snoring.She tiptoed to his bed,and touched his covers,smoothing them.

She pulled the covers slowly,slipped off her bunny shoes,and inserted her legs in slowly.Harry's back was facing the window,giving Hermione anxiety that he might turn over and she'll awake him.

She situated herself,her back against the bed frame.

She jumped when Harry turned over,his hair brushing her side.

His breaths made Hermione's insides squirm,making her red and hot-headed.He slurred and mumbled in his sleep.

Harry was currently having a dream;oblivious to the warm spot next to him.He was still having his Department of Mysteries dreams,even though they should've stopped.But these dreams were way worse,more realistic.He was Voldemort,killing everyone in sight.

And then this part of the dream he always cried in;seeing Bellatrix kill Sirius.He was right there;seeing it all happen as the enemy.

He whimpered and his dream was over.He was sweating,rapidly.He always had the dream by himself,so the arms and hands holding him where a shocker.

Hermione stayed there;her heart pounding.She felt pity.He was very scrawny,and looked helpless and small despite being 16 years old.

He snuggled up closer,much to Hermione's surprise.His head layed on her chest,adding an extra weight and making her breasts hurt somewhat.

Hermione fidgeted,and Harry whimpered."You can't leave me,you wont leave me..please don't leave me.."he begged,softly.Hermione nodded.She wouldn't leave him.It was a guilty pleasure of hers to stay.

Hermione rearranged his position,so he was in a womb-like position and Hermione had draped her arms around this cradling Harry.

This lasted the whole night.Tears falling,reassuring words said,alot of cuddling and romantic involved affection.

Hermione made Harry get up;but he was so weak,it was a hassle.They brushed their teeth together,and Hermione made cereal.He couldn't pick up the spoon,so Hermione fed him,like a mother.

He looked sick,and lonely.Hermione shoved hot chocolate down his throat after breakfast.She directed him to the couch,and rested his head on a pillow and draped him in blankets.She kissed his nose,spreading warmth threw his body.


Hermione's eyebrows raised up,but she was frantic.

"Need what,what do you need?Harry,what do you need?!"she said,frantically."I n-need G-Ginny.."he said,slowly.Hermione's heart pounded."She's not here,Harry..",she said,feeling guilty Ginny wasn't here,and she didn't want her to be here.

"Warmth,your warmth..please,so cold.."

"What?"said Hermione,confused."Lay down with me,im so cold.."

She did as told,not reluctant whatsoever.The couch was big,having enough space for the both of them.They layed down together like a couple;They both stared at the ceiling,before Harry whimpered for more closeness.

She sighed,and scooted over to him.He was practically breathing down her neck,making her shiver in guilty pleasure.She rested her head on his chest,wrapping her legs around him.She hugged his torso,tightly.Harry breathed in,and out,alot.

"Umm,Hermione?"said Harry,who was progressively turning back to a teenager,and not a toddler.

She lifted her head and said,"all better now?"

Harry's brows raised."Yeah,but what happened...?"

Hermione explained to him how he had a bad dream and she went to sleep with him that night,and how he was begging for her warmth.

Harry blushed at this.",I remember.."

She put her head back on his chest,making Harry uneasy.He loved Hermione,and he supposed this wasn't brotherly affection,but they were just so close.Maybe a part of eachother or something.They couldn't see eachother naked and not gawk and be awkward,duh.But it was more lovey dovey gestures now.

but,there platonic relationship was escalating.

Hermione asked Harry if he was up for ice skating,which he agreed in wholeheartedly.Harry was very hesitant stepping in to the ice rank,whereas Hermione was not.She grabbed his hand and heaved him in,laughing.She grabbed his arm and supported him,gliding across the 10 acre rank.He almost tripped,multiple times,but was caught by Hermione,much to his luck.

When Harry and Hermione were now paralyzed with the cold,the went into a cute coffee shop,reminding him of that awful experience he had with Cho.He was hesitant stepping in,much to Hermione's surprise.They ordered 2 coffees,and where having a chat about school.

Hermione sipped her coffee."Talked to Ron lately?"

Harry scowled.He would never talk to Ron,after he got with Lavender after admitting he liked Hermione,in which Hermione said back.

"Actually,"he sighed,"Yes,I have.He told me he broke up with Lavender,and was sorry for leaving us.He also said he knew it might be awkward with you too..but he hopes it'll be alright."

Hermione twitched.Harry breathed in deeply and said,"He doesn't deserve you anyways.Stop gushing over Ron,"and Hermione clutched her mug."Its not my choice,who you like,but I advise you not to like Ron.He might still hate you,and have a plan with Lavender to hurt you in which,I will hurt back,of know what,just be careful."

Hermione's scowl turned into a smile,and she held Harry's hand.They walked out of the coffee shop when Hermione kissed his cheek.Warmth spread threw Harry's body,and a little girl said "Aww!" so loudly,the customers' in the shop turned over to the doorway.

"We must look like a couple,"whispered Hermione."I heard in Hogsmeade,you get discounts for being a cute couple!"exclaimed Harry,giggling.


Hermione's parents arrived 10 minutes after they arrived back home.They where covered in ice particles and snow.Hermione scrambled to make hot chocolate,while Harry jammed the heater.

"You guys are on one today,aren't you?"said Jenette,confusingly.Hermione's eyebrows rose and Harry blushed intensely.

"Yes yes,I suppose so."said Andy,peering over to Hermione.

"This boy has had a positive affect on her,hasn't he?"said Jenette.

"Oh yes,he has,and I don't like it all that much.."

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