christmas,and ron's downfall

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Harry woke up due to Hermione's door pounding.

"Alright,im coming in!"she bellowed,and the door opened.Harry was thoroughly greatful he was dressed at the time.He stared at her than got comfortable once again in his bed."It's christmassssssss!Get up,you have more presents than I do!"

He slurred and followed her out of the room.Her parents were no where to be seen,and Harry's brows raised."Where did you parents go?are they still asleep?"he asked.

"Oh,no,they had another emergency.Pity."

They opened their gifts in silence.Harry thanked Hermione for her present and planned to thank her parents when they got back.The cold,winter breeze swooshed in.Harry shivered,and at that exact moment,Pigwidgeon swooshed in and collapsed.Hermione shrieked,picked him up,and held him close.

"Does Ron acknowledge Pigwidgeon is not suited for these expenditures!"

Harry cleared his throat."Pidwidgeon is Ginny's owl,Hermione."and that's when Hermione started becoming exceptionally quiet.

Dear H&H

I am POLITELY asking for you to reply to my letter.I am genuinely sorry for how I was acting.Lavender was taking control of me.I broke up with her,like I said previously,and im hoping you guys could accept me back into our "trio". Sorry this is short.Mom sent you a sweater,and shes asked why you stayed with Hermione.She seemed grumpy;I dunno.


"Could you guy's accept me back into our 'trio'.How idiotic,"said Hermione."Do you have owl nip by any chance?Im not sending Pig back until we head back to Hogwarts."

Harry fetched it for her,and Pig was greatful for the nip.They sat in silence until Harry asked for Hermione's approval to head to the bathroom.After that,they sat in silence until Hermione spoke up.

"How are you and Ginny?"she asked.Harry's insides blew up inside of him at the moment."She's off with Dean,I told you.They do suit eachother very well,and we always fought."

"Weren't you questioning Draco before?Well,you should question him more now.I heard Pansy and Blaise saying he's fallen for her and is ashamed of it.Well,because her family and her are blood-traitors."

Harry now wanted to scream.He had to fight 2 boys for the love of one girl?

But then,he looked at Hermione closely,and blinked back.

"Do you like Ron?"he asked.Hermione's face scrunched up."Im not talking about that."

"You brang it up."

"You responded."

"What else what I going to do??"

"Stay silent."


They sat,cross armed.Hermione's parents came home,and looked at them both."It's Christmas,lighten up you two!"said Andy,her father.


It was well after New Years,and Harry and Hermione were no longer mad at eachother.They said goodbye to Jenette and Andy,and stalked off.They found an empty compartment,in which Hermione kicked 3rd years from and Harry grinned.

Ron arrived,and his eyes were sunken in and he looked very gaunt."You guy's didnt reply."

Hermione scoffed and took out Pig,and Ron frowned."Hermione—can I talk to you,alone?(Harry tensed.)and no,I won't hurt her."

Ron and Hermione led out of the compartment.The corridors were deserted,and Ron grinned and Hermione's eyebrows rose.He put a Silence Charm on them."What are you doin—"and then,Ron pinned her to the wall.He looked again,and then grabbed his wand.

"Imperio."he whispered,and then,Hermione felt all of her thoughts and memories vanish."Hold my hand,and when we walk into the compartment,kiss me." Hermione was very obedient,and it was almost scary.She did as told,and Harry chuckled."That was fast,"he said."Very fast."

They had a feast,in which Harry had became the third-wheel.He was very confused and lonely,and watched Hermione snog Ron senseless,and Ron looked enlightened.The next day,Harry was using the Half-Blood Prince's book in Potions,when he was rudely interrupted by Ron."Excuse me,Harry,but you're using a two seater counter.Can me and Hermione use it and you can sit next to Parvati?"

Harry scowled,and Hermione giggled.He snatched his book and stalked off to Parvati.Harry successfully made a Love Potion,with help from the Prince,and smashed it on the floor due to his grip.

The next week,Hermione and Ron were now permanently attached to eachother.It was only in Charms that Ron was not occupied by Hermione.He whispered something to Seamus,and he smirked and looked at Harry.He throw up a rude sign at him,and Seamus turned back.

Harry had secluded himself to learn about D.A.D.A,and it seemed to him he knew more than Hermione.Aside from his lessons with Dumbledore,he was having a ruddy time.3rd Wheeled daily,his Malfoy Mystery,Tom Riddle,he was not having a wonderful time.He never talked to Hermione anymore,because all she did was giggle and laugh.

Quidditch was exhausting;and He continuously became distracted because of Hermione's laughter when Ron played.He confronted Ron about this,and with no mercy,kicked him off the team.

McLaggen was no worse than Ron,and Harry had already beaten him with his Firebolt countless times.He was now covered in bruises,and Harry was becoming more anxious to impress Ginny at every practice.After he had fallen off his broom,only Luna,Neville,and Ernie visited him.Ron just said,'too bad',and went off for Hermione.

Harry was still trying to get the Horcrux memory out of Slughorn with no luck.He now devoted his study periods to investigating Draco,stalk Ginny&Ron&and Hermione,and get the memory out of Slughorn.

And,they had Apparition lessons starting.He was unsuccessful the first lesson,and could not stare into the pool.Ginny's redhair brushed past him,making him shiver.This was one reason he could not concentrate and do the 'The D's'.Hermione,obviously,was very close to successful.Of course she was,that know-it-all,Harry thought bitterly.On top of this,Dumbledore's absences made Harry very suspicious and interested.

He remembered when he had friends and scowled.He wondered how he was so famous yet he couldn't even get a friend or girlfriend.Then,there was Romilda Vane,but Hermione had said the girls were going to poison him with a Love Potion,so he stayed away from her.

He was lonely ever since Sirius' death.Nobody sent him letters anymore,and Hedwig was getting fussy about not being able to send letters.The Grangers did send him one,but he threw it away and felt guilty after.It was their daughter that was messed up,not them.

He remembered a moment shortly after Ginny's breakup with him,and cried.

He remembered Ron giving a toast to Lavender;And snogging her senseless.Harry grinned because his bestfriend has just gotten a girl.One moment,he saw Hermione next to him,and the next,her bushy hair whipped out of the common room.He followed after her,and went down the tower he thought she had went down into.He was correct;she was there.But she was crying.He sat down next to her,and grabbed her hand.To his surprise,she layed her head on his shoulder and cried.

These words echoed into his head: 'How do you feel,Harry,when you see Dean with Ginny?'

"Potter!Potter!"bellowed Snape.

He had completely forgotten that he was in a class.He shook his head,and looked around,as everybody sniggered.

'I know,Harry,I see the way you look at her.'

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