Chapter 4 - It Was Him

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I ran up to the front door, quickly unlocking it and flinging it open. I slammed it behind me, running to the sound of my mother talking on the phone.

"Yes, I'm sorry that this happened, I know what she means to yo-" I stormed in my mom's room, and she quickly stopped talking. She whispered into the phone, "I'll call you back another time" and hung up, looking at me with a look of guilt.

I leaned against her door frame and stared at her intently. She was biting her bottom lip, looking very nervous. She darted her eyes, looking around her room, avoiding eye contact.

"So, Mom, who were you talking to?" I asked, noticing her tense up.

"Just a f-friend" she stuttered. She only stuttered when she was nervous or lying. I raised my eyebrow and replied,

"Oh, what is his name?" I purposely used the pronoun "His" to see how she responded. Her mouth hung open and she stuttered trying to speak, but couldn't make words.

"So, Mom, when were you going to tell me about Marcus and the ring?" I said, throwing acuasations to the roof to see if it would make her tell me everything.

She looked up at me for the first time since the start of our conversation. I crossed my arms and squinted my eyes at her.

"Who is Marcus?" she said looking dumb-founded. I started laughing a mild sinister laugh, and said, 

"Oh, you know who I'm talking about" I said laughing.

"Do you mean your father, Mark?" she asked, trying to throw me off.

"No Mom, Marcus, the new kid at school." I rolled my eyes at her, and adjusted my feet.

She got up and walked towards me, whispering, "I can't tell you everything, but I can tell you this" I leaned in closer as she continued what she was saying.

I screamed in dis-belief at her words.


I laid down in my bed, staring up at the ceiling. How could she have kept this secret from me my entire life? I hid my face in my hands, and felt tears gather in my eyes. I heard a large snap outside of my window and flew up. I jumped off my bed and looked out of my window. I looked down into the backyard and saw the silhouette again. 

It was him.

He was still very tall, well-built, and was looking up at me. I couldn't see his face still, but he looked almost exactly the same as the last time I saw him a few years ago. I opened my window and leaned out of the window. I was wearing my ring due to my mother's demand. I felt it warm against my finger.

I glanced back down at the ring, seeing it lightly glowing, then it glowed even brighter then normal. I looked back up out of the window to see him up on the edge of my roof, five feet away from me.

I took a step back from the window, still staring at him in the general area I assumed his eyes to be at. He crawled closer to the window until he was a mere foot away from it.

I could make out some of his features. Dark hair, ocean blue eyes... I felt a warmth in my heart. Wait. I recognized him.

But from where?

It hit me like a ton of bricks.

This man that has been haunting my dreams for three years...

He was Marcus. The new kid at school.


He sat there staring at me, and me staring at him. In his eyes held many emotions, happiness, glee, and maybe love? I was unsure, begining to shake with fear. I took one more cautious step back until I felt the wall behind me. He slowly hopped in my room through the window, and held his arms out.

"It's okay Ruby, I'm not going to hurt you." he whispered, his words smooth and sweet sounding.

Something inside of me was screaming to trust him. I shook my head and rubbed my left temple.

"Please, just get out." I said, looking at the ground, a little irritated and scared.

He bit his bottom lip but reluctantly nodded and turned around. He walked up to the window, but as he placed one foot up on the window sill, he turned slightly towards me and said,

"Is it okay if I show up here at 7:15, and we drive to school together?" he said, as if his life depended on me saying yes.

I stammered, "U-u-uhm I guess if my mom is okay with it..." I saw a grin peek at the corners of his mouth as he replied,

"Don't worry, I already talked to her about it earlier. She is okay with it." I felt my heart stop beating in my chest.

So she wasn't lying when she said she was talking to Marcus, after finally breaking down and whispering it to me, before leaving to go drinking with friends again.

He gracefully jumped out the window, and I ran up to the window to make sure he landed safely, after all it was a two-story drop. I glanced down to see him dashing into the woods, appearing to be unhurt.


Sorry for this chapter being so short, it has to be because the next chapter will be longer (; Either way, I had to end it here. It's late and I have big plans.

Thank you for reading, and remember to vote! :33

-Karlie (PTTN)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2014 ⏰

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