Underneath The Lights (Lams)

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John's Pov

Today was the day. I felt my heart pounding in my chest, beads of sweat trickled down the side of my face as I entered the gym doors. Strings of starry lights were hung up, and the food table was already set up.

I let out a shaky sigh, looking, searching, scanning for Alex. Alas, he was no where in sight. Am I too early? Was he going to come? Will he end up dancing with me? John, what are you thinking? Of course he'll dance with you! He asked you to be his date.

But why me? Why of all people, choose me? I'm not good enough for him. There are better people in this world, better for him.

Suddenly, I felt someone lightly tap my shoulder. I looked behind me, staring at a pair of beautiful chocolate brown eyes. I gazed at him, my heart rate increasing. "O-oh, hey, John! You made it. Glad you actually came..." He stuttered.

"Haha, yeah..." We ended up staring into each other's eyes, breathing heavily. My stomach fluttered, and I felt like jumping around and screaming.

Our gazes were cut off when a slow song came on. "A slow song, already? We just got here..." He mumbled. He looked into my eyes. I wasn't ready for this, was I? Having my first ever dance, with Alexander Hamilton. The man who I've adored since pre-k. The man who was always there for me. The man who I came out to first. He held out his hand, inviting me to come into his arms.

Couples were already dancing with each other, and I figured that just standing around looking at your date during the whole song was a bad idea. It's a wasted opportunity.

I lightly took a hold of his hand, gripping the sides of his waist. In return, he took a hold of my shoulders. I smiled as my favorite song played. It was Out Like A Light. I've always dreamed of dancing with someone to this song. Turns out my dream came true. We swayed to the music, stepping sideways repeatedly. I felt the palms of my hands become sweaty, my heart rate somehow getting a little faster. The butterflies in my stomach had became worst. What I didn't notice at the time was that Alex was slowly inching closer towards me.

Sooner or later, we were pressed up against each other. His face was a crimson red, his lips quivering in embarrassment. He looked adorable this way. As soon as the slow song ended, I had planned to dart away and chicken out. But, my plans never happened. He grabbed onto my wrist, got onto the tip of his toes, and kissed me. We stood there, passionately kissing. We both parted from each other, panting slightly.

"John...?" He perked up. "Y-yes?" I gulped. "I... I like you..." My face turned a vibrant rose red. Did those words literally come out his mouth? Am I hallucinating? Is this really happening?

"I... I like you too, Lexi. We're best friends, after all." He looked at me, then turned away shyly.

"No... I mean, I like you like you..." I looked into his eyes, being met with chocolate brown once again.

"Wha... What do you mean?" "I mean, I love you. I've had feelings for you ever since pre-k... I've always kept denying those feelings for you, because... Well... I feared that I were bisexual. And I feared that you would hate me for that." I stared into deep pools of brown, breathing steadily.

"What do you mean? I would never hate you for that, Lex," "I know, I know... It's just, I'm sorry... I'm not good enough for you." I took a hold of his face, cupping my hands. "No, no. I return the feelings... I've liked, no, I've loved ever since we were young..." "Really?" "Really..." I felt tears prickling in my eyes, a smile crept across our faces. "John Laurens, will you be my boyfriend?..." I looked back at him, the world around me started to spin. No, John! You are not fainting now! "Y-yes, of course!" I said, bringing his face in so we could share another kiss.

Tonight has been amazing...
And it was all Underneath The Lights...

(Quick A/N: aaaaaa, I did it, it's trash, but I did it. It's so unoriginal, but I was in a cheesy mood, okay? So shut up! Anyway, I hope you guys liked it, I'll be planning to write more~ Zikaela loggin' off!)

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