Scootaloo's Past

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Scootaloo's mom was at the hospital giving birth to a healthy young pegasus when she died. The doctors were all running about trying to get Scootaloo out of her mother's dead body. A few minutes later, Scootaloo was born but her father didn't care. He hated Scootaloo. He blamed his wife's death on her. His wife's last words were "I want her name to be Scootaloo." It was good her mother had named her, or she would be nameless to this day. She had no sister, and as soon as she got home with her father, he through her off the cloud their home rested on then killed himself.

Scootaloo landed on a cloud some pegasi were moving upwards because it was too close to the ground. A slight breeze pushed her off it and she landed on another cloud that was close to the ground. She rolled off that cloud she fell in a bush. Rainbowdash , who happened to be flying nearby instructing pegasi, heard the rustle of the leaves and looked. When she saw Scootaloo she was surprised. She picked up Scootaloo and flew around trying to find her parents. She didn't find anything except for Scootaloo's father dead. Unfortunately she didn't know that was Scootaloo's father. When she asked one of the doctors who had helped with the birth he said, "That's Scootaloo. Her mother, Cloudchaser, died giving birth." When she heard this, Rainbowdash said, "I found her father dead." "Then I guess she will have to go to an orphanage." said the doctor. Rainbowdash looked at the little figure of Scootaloo in her arms. "I guess I could take care of her until she can take care of herself." said Rainbowdash. "That's very thought full of you but are you sure u can handle it?" asked the doctor. "I will try but if she becomes to big of a responsibility, I'll take her to the orphanage." replied Rainbowdash. Rainbowdash flew home carrying the tiny Scootaloo in her arms. When she got home she realized she had no where for Scootaloo to sleep. She set the sleeping Scootaloo on her bed then flew outside to get some clouds. When she had gathered enough clouds to make a baby cradle, she flew back in and set to work making it. When she was finally satisfied with it, she flew back to get Scootaloo. Once Scootaloo was in the cradle, Rainbowdash flew into her room to fully ponder the responsibilities she had taken on. Later, when Scootaloo had waken up, Rainbowdash started panicking bcause she didn't know what to feed Scootaloo. "Um, do you want some candy?" Rainbowdash asked. Scootaloo said nothing so Rainbowdash grabbed a lollipop and gave it to Scootaloo. Scootaloo threw it and began to cry. "HELP ME!" Rainbowdash cried. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Rainbowdash scrambled to the door and opened it. "Are you here to help me?" Rainbowdash asked hopefully. The doctor looked at her and said, "I figured you would need help." He took a bottle of warm milk out of his coat and gave it to Scootaloo. When she was done he burped her. Rainbowdash just watched as he took care of Scootaloo. Finally after he changed her diaper, he made a list and handed it to Rainbowdash. "This is all your responsibilities for taking care of Scootaloo. There is also a list of things you'll have to buy for her. He handed the list to Rainbowdash and walked out. Rainbowdash looked at the list and sighed. "This is going to be a lot harder than I thought." Rainbowdash put Scootaloo on her back and headed to the market. She bought what was on the list even though it spent up most of her bits. Then, she went back home and put Scootaloo to bed. After a week of taking care of Scootaloo, Rainbowdash was exhausted. There were times she thought about giving up and taking Scootaloo to the orphanage but she never did. She was determined to take care of Scootaloo. As time passed, Rainbowdash got better at taking care of Scootaloo. One day she realized something. Baby pegasi normally fly and can be troublesome because of that but Scootaloo had never flew. She dismissed that thought and went to give Scootaloo a bath. After Scootaloo's bath, Rainbowdash took Scootaloo outside. If Scootaloo wouldn't fly on her own, Rainbowdash would just have to teach her to fly. Rainbowdash set Scootaloo on a cloud and demonstrating flying.Scootaloo laughed and flapped her wings but nothing happened. Rainbowdash showed Scootaloo again, but she still could not fly. Concerned, Rainbowdash took her to the hospital. The doctor examined Scootaloo and said that her wings hadn't grown enough and couldn't support her weight. He said it was possible that she would never fly. Rainbowdash thanked him and took Scootaloo home. "What will I do?" she thought. "If she can't fly then she can't live on a cloud." Rainbowdash stared at Scootaloo as she played with her toys, looking for some kind of solution. She watched as Scootaloo giggled and felt a rug in her heart. She didn't want to give up this baby. It didn't matter whether or not Scootaloo was her child of not, Rainbowdash loved her anyways.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2017 ⏰

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