Chapter 1

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Louie lay in his bed in the middle of the night, he tossed and turned trying to get some sleep. The flashing lights and roaring booms from the storm outside frightened him, but he couldn't do anything about it, he didn't want his brothers to tease or worry about him. Louie didn't get any sleep that night, he just lay in his bed in fear. The next morning, he got out of bed and yawned. Louie walked down the stairs falling asleep halfway before hearing his name being called out.

"Louie? Are you awake?" Louie looked back and saw his brothers, along with Webby, staring at him.

"Yeah..." He yawned. "I'm awake."

"It happened again, didn't it?" Huey asked.

"What happened again?" Webby asked.

"Yeah, I see it, it did happen again." Dewey agreed.

"What happened?" Webby asked again, her curiosity levels increasing.

"Louie can't sleep during thunder storms." Huey explained.

"Yes I can!" Louie yelled, but began to doze off.

"Wope, don't fall Lou, come on." Dewey helped his brother up the stairs, but Louie refused.

"I'm fine guys, really."

"Why are your eyes puffy?" Webby asked. Louie adverted his eyes from the three of them and slipped his hood on, hiding inside of it. Dewey looked at Huey in worry before looking at Louie, his eyes were watery and his face was red.

"Louie? Are you crying?" Dewey asked.

"No." Louie rubbed his eye with his shoulder.

"Oh no, the poor thing." Huey hugged his brother and nuzzled his face.

"Stop it." Louie pushed away.

"Louie." Huey stated in a sense of shock.

"I'm going to my room."

"But it's time for breakfast." Webby claimed.

"I don't care, I'm not hungry." Louie walked in the direction of his room and left the other three ducklings staring at him as he left.

"Do you think he'll be okay?" Dewey asked.

"Y-yeah, I'm sure he'll be fine." Huey said as he began walking downstairs. "Come on." When they got downstairs, they were greeted by the adults of the household.

"Good morning children." Mrs. Beakly greeted.

"Good morning." They replied.

"Huey, Dewey, where's your brother?" Donald asked.

"He's upstairs." Dewey answered.

"Oh yeah? What's he up to?"

"Probably sleeping." Huey responded. Meanwhile, Louie was upstairs sitting on his bed, his stomach growled.

"Ugh, be quiet." He told his stomach. "Why are they always worrying about me? It's so annoying! Ugh!" Louie fell back on his bed with his hands covering his face. He grabbed a pillow and plopped it on top of his head.

"Louie!" A voice called from the hallway. "It's time to wake up!" Donald opened the door to Louie's room and removed the pillow from his face. Louie was sound asleep after a long, insomnia induced night. "Aw, well, maybe just a little longer will be okay."    

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