Chapter 6

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A royal horse-drawn carriage pulled up in front of the castle. Two guards approach it and open the door. Emile stepped out with full amazement in his eyes.
"Wow. You know, I've seen paintings... but to really see it..." he took off his hat so it didn't fall off as he looked up at the tremendous height of the stone palace with golden trim.
"Might I take your bag, sir?" A servant boy merely a teenager reached out to take the bag clutched in Emile's hand. The old man absentmindedly passed it to him, still awe-struck. A guard lead him and the servant boy up the stairs to the entrance, the carriage rode off.

"I can't believe that's my uncle," Belle said to her husband as they watched his entrance outside from their bedroom balcony. "I never heard even a single story about him."
"Well, your father thought he was dead, it's not entirely unreasonable of him to not want to mention him. Perhaps it made him upset," Adam offered.
"You're probably right. But he talked about my mother and she, too, died."
"Yes but you were the one asking about her. Also, you remind Maurice of her, so he probably can't help himself," Adam chuckled. "Just like I can't stop myself from telling people how much Renée looks like you." He played with his daughter's tiny brown curly hair as she slept on her mother's shoulder. Belle smiled at Adam.
"Ah, nothing can stop a proud father, can it?"
"Absolutely not," laughed Adam. He kissed Renée's head. "We should put her in her bassinet, let her sleep." The couple walked back into their room from the balcony and Belle laid down her daughter as gently as possible.
"Sweet dreams my angel," Belle kissed the baby's forehead. "I was just visiting with Plumette, Sebastian is still so small. I almost forget Renée was even smaller than she is now. I can't wait to meet our next one," Belle smiled.
"Me neither," Adam agreed. He held out a hand standing by the door of their bedroom so they could walk out together to meet Emile.

In the main entrance, Emile stood, now in awe of the gorgeous interior. Chapeau appeared behind him and took Emile's jacket and hat, he barely noticed. Belle and Adam appeared at the top of the stairs, now smiling down at Emile. When he saw them, he immediately dropped on his knee and bowed his head.
"My King! My Queen! Thank you for welcoming me to your home," Emile bellowed as Adam and Belle made their way down the stairs, smiling happily. When they finally reached Emile, still bent over, Adam addressed him.
"It's our honor to have Maurice's own brother here. Please, rise so we can properly greet you." Emile slowly looked up and got to his feet. Adam held out his hand. "I'm Adam, and I believe you met my wife years ago? This is Belle." Emile shook his hand, staring at both of them in wonder, then letting a smile grow at the sight of Belle.
"Belle? Is it truly you? I have not see you since you were the tiniest of babies. You're just as beautiful as your mother was, now. A remarkable woman, she was. I always admired her, you know. I'm sure you're just like her in many ways," it was clear that Emile rambled in his nervousness.
"Thank you so much, that's so lovely to hear. I'm so happy you could come. I haven't seen my father this excited to see someone in years."
"Oh, bless his heart, my dear little brother. You must understand, I truly thought he had been taken by the plague! No illness had ever hit Paris so hard. It was utter chaos... if I had known he were alive I would've come and lived in Villeneuve with you two! You must forgive my ignorance."
"Nonsense, my father has mentioned things of the mess that was created all those years ago... I'm sorry you had to go through it."
"Ah, such are the ways of life. I was just happy to have survived at all." Emile said with a smile. "So, I don't mean to rush you, but... when can I see Maurice?"
The King and Queen laughed, Adam clapped a hand on the man's shoulder.
"Of course, good man, he's waiting in the common room, follow us." 

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2018 ⏰

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