Chapter 15: The Shallows Of Evil

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Tenma had made it back to Radiant Dawn and was in the castle speaking to Princess Hana. Cordelia and Sakura were there too as he told them everything that Zoran had told him and what he said had given Hana much to worry about "You're going to an area where Zodiac has been sighted?"

"Yeah...I am" said Tenma "I'm not too...comfortable with it either but I'm not doing it for no reason. The Prince knows me...or rather knows the name Tenma and he said that a spirit drive could be there"

"Then you don't have much choice really" said Cordelia "You are searching for the drives and clues to your memory. So why is it you wish to go, more or less, on your own?"

"As part of the deal...I am to assist Azura"

The look on Cordelia's face became dark "No wonder then. Its good thing you are going on your own"

"I'm I alright to ask...who is Azura?" asked Sakura feeling left out of the loop

"From what I know Azura is a girl knight in service to Zoran" said Tenma "she sounds very strong but she has trust issues"

"Issues is not the word I'd use" Cordelia said with bitterness "more like hatred. The duty of a knight to help those in need, not chose who to help"

"Alright Cordelia that's enough" said Hana "Will you be alright Tenma? With Azura?"

Tenma was unsure "to be honest, with or without Azura, I couldn't ask Radiant dawn to get involved with my problem. I mean I am going to a place where Zodiac could be after all and as I understand as of now he's staying neutral. And I would prefer it...if he kept that way" Hana felt a wave of consideration flow from his words

"And yet you wish to take Ariana and Sakura with you?" said Cordelia "Is that wise?"

"Again no. However with Sakura I promised I'd help her find my memory. And you never know, this place I'm going to could help her"

"I want to go Cordelia" said Sakura reassuring her "What Tenma says is true I could find a clue to who I am"

"And I wanted to go with him" said Ariana covering for Tenma "I am Gigant girl so this town won't be in trouble if I get seen"

Hana and Cordelia still looked unsure which Tenma recognized "I'm glad to see I'm not the only nervous one. If things get bad we'll run, trust me I won't hang around. If we even smell him, so to speak, I'll bolt it"

" the wind" said Ariana swishing with arms

"The only problem I you Tenma" said Cordelia stepping towards him "we can't afford Zodiac learning of who you are for more reasons than you" Cordelia then took off her helmet letting her long white/blue hair fall down to her waist in its ponytail.

Tenma somewhat blushed upon seeing her "What...what is it?" asked Cordelia "is there something wrong?"

"Oh well..." said Tenma a little awkward "I haven't seen you with down. The colour is...rather nice that's all" Cordelia mildly blushed herself and then began fidgeting

"Oh....thank you. I haven't had a compliment about before" she approached Tenma and put the helmet on his head "and there you go. It's a nice fit"

Tenma lifted up the visor so he could see better "It feels a bit strange" he then knocked the helmet "but sturdy. The only question is, how did you manage to hide all your hair in this? I mean it hangs down to your waist"

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