Chapter 2 (Changes)

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When I decided that would return to the House of Wind with Az, they greeted me and I tried to not start many conversations. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone.

"Az brother what have you done to her?" We heard Cassian laugh as I watched him and lowered my head turning my head away from them. "Cassian..." He replied as I walked away from the group.

"Who would have known a girl could have changed my brother so much." Cass laughed again and I sat on the kitchen counter looking down at my feet. "You have changed my friend." I looked up at Amren and shrugged.

"It's hard getting back into the feeling that people care for you." I looked at her as she leaned on the counter beside me. "You haven't changed a bit." I saw her smile and looked to the ceiling. "How is Varian?" I asked as she nodded. "Normal, he has work I have work." I looked at her hand and saw the Solstice present I gave her.

"I like your taste in jewellery she looked at her black and red ring." I smiled and nodded. "Good, because it's from your realm." She whipped her head towards me in shock. "You what? Did you-" "-No," I replied cutting her off. "It's from your realm I never said I risked my life to go and get it, you know I'm to lazy to do that." 

I suddenly heard and evil laugh from Amren and Azriel walk in to see her laugh. When she realised he had entered she suddenly stopped and her face was natural and she walked out.

"How do you do it?" He asked as I tilted my head. "How do you put up with her and become so close to her?" He asked leaning in the same spot Amren was next to me. "It's call having the same interests and not judging her for who she was."

Az turned his head away remembering back when we first met Amren, I even showed him through the shields. "Cora..." I smiled and looked at him realising it had nothing to do with Amren.

"What happened to you?" He asked and I raised an eye brow. "You...fell different." He turned to me and I moved my head back. "Should I be concerned?" I asked as he shook his head.

"No, not like that." I swear I saw his cheek redden for a split second. "I mean, when you were gone, I felt something with your aura change." It was my turn to turn my head away. "No." I bluntly said and felt him getting closer and soon standing in front of me.

"Why not?" I looked at him "Not here." 

Then tell me here. He said mentally. No Az. I said back and I closed my eyes shaking my head. I kept them closed and faced towards the ground, then I felt something soft touch my neck. I opened my eyes to see Azriel's cheek next to me. I felt my cheeks heat up as froze staring a head of me.

You have changed, everything. He said to me mentally and pulled away from my neck and I stared at him in front of me. "Please tell me," he wrapped his arms around me and I shook my head "Why?" He pleaded and I looked at him in sadness. 

You will find out later. I put the top of my head on his chest. He can't, he can't see my wings he will freak out. "You are worried," I raised my head "Tell me about it, please." I shook my head and removed my head from his chest looking put at him.

"What's all this about?" I saw Rhys stand next to Feyre, his mate and I jumped off of the counter. "Nothing." I mumbled and I felt Azriel grab my hand so I wouldn't walk off. 

Shouldn't you be off doing your job now that Solstice is over?  I tried to not frown as Feyre smiled at me and I lowered my head. Rhys doesn't want me to do much now that you're back.

We heard Rhys clear his throat "Would one of you two like to tell me what is happening?" He asked crossing his arms and I made something up. "We were talking about my powers and how they have changed from last time we have met." He didn't seem convinced, and neither did Feyre.

I looked at her with no expression, she is a kind person and I'm glad that Rhys chose her to be High Lady. "Could you walk with me please?" She asked as I turned to Az and let go of his hand with a nod. I will be back. I felt him let go and I walked with Feyre. Soon we ended up in her room.

She sat on the bed and I folded my arms watching her. "I can tell that something is going on that's hard for you to go through with Az." I raised my eye brows. "You can't hide it from him forever, you know that." I nodded to her with a shrug

"I wasn't planing to, I was going to make him pancakes and tell him." I watched her stand with a nod. "And what is it that you are hiding from him exactly?" My eyes widened and I shook my head. "No I am not telling, I can't." I turned my head away.

What is going on? Are you okay?  I didn't want to reply so I kept my shields up. "Please tell me, I won't tell anyone, not even Azriel." I looked at her and nodded. Cora what's wrong? I looked down.  Don't worry Az, I will tell you want happens after. 

I looked back at the High Lady "Only because I trust you. You can tell Rhys as long as he shuts his mouth as well." She nodded at me and Lowered my head as I look off the hoodie I was wearing.

Something is wrong I groaned and shook my head Everything is fine please, trust me. I tried to sound calm. I looked back at Feyre, she knew Az was trying to talk to me.

When I felt brave enough I felt my wings appear and I spread them out in pain. You're in pain. I shook my head and looked at Feyre as she stared at my broken, shredded wings. I let them fall and lean on the ground as I groaned in pin looking at my wings.

They were destroyed, there were holes and the bottom of them were torn. "What happened to them." I looked up her in pain as I tucked my wings in slowly. "Fights and arguments." I mumbled.

I'm coming up there. He warned and I saw the door swing wide open as Azriel stared at the part of my wings that weren't that bad. "What happened?" He asked as Feyre stepped in front and attempted to push him out the door while I put my jumper back on. "Tell me!" He moved Feyre and stormed to me.

I stared at him in horror as he grabbed my arms and pinned me to the wall and it made a loud sound that the whole building would have heard. "Tell me what happened!" He growled and I moved my arm as they started aching "Let go you're hurting me!" I snapped back and I soon had one of my hands free and I slapped him. 

He held is cheek tightly and I saw that everyone else was already in the room. I looked down at Az and dropped to my knees in front of him. "I'm sorry," I said softly as I started to sob and I felt his arms wrap around me. "I was in fights and things think that, they turned out worse then what you saw." I sobbed into his shoulder, felling his cheek warm cheek with mine. "I'm sorry, I wanted to tell you later, I didn't want you to worry about me." 

I pulled away from him and kissed his cheek. "I don't deserve you, I'm sorry that you had to be my mate."

And I winnowed away.

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