I am Shaye

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Hi :)
I've been meaning to write a book and actually finishing it, so I hope I succeed this time. I made this story based on a dream. A dream of mine a month before I turned 15. I hope ya'll like it. :)


I can still remember my first day here at Fresno High. I was 13, excited and naive about meeting new people and all that. I always knew that I was gonna fit in. And was certain I wasn't gonna have a hard time doing so. I mean, at my old school, I was voted "Most Friendly", after all. Like, who wouldn't find a girl with huge glasses, acne-covered cheeks, black curly hair (which by the way doesn't look "cute" at all) and a petite height, approachable right?

Boy was I wrong.

Let me tell you something about me, my name is Shaye Montes and I came from a public school before I turned 7th grade. So people from where I came from were really different from my new school. My old friends (yes, just them) used to love playing and running around all day. They didn't even care about stink. I'm not being judgemental or anything but that was that. At noon during lunch they would go all rough while I would read or write a poem or whatever. I'm not good at being rowdy, I have parents that have raised me to always keep my equanimity. Imagine my surprise when I found out my mom was transferring me from Theodore Roosevelt High School, to Fresno High School ( which is, fyi, the long-time rival of my old school )

However, when I came here, people were different. It wasn't my usual setting which I loved because the people here had discipline and you could tell each one was demure. Something I thought would help me to my advantage.

But everything wasn't so perfect.

Now I'm 9th grade and definitely not  in the state I'd wanted to be in years ago. For example, my only friend was gay. Not really an outcast like me, but he was teased, I can tell you that. He was funny though, and was smart like me. But our types of intelligence we're different. He was smart with the subject "peers, boys, gossip and fashion" or his "PeeBoGoShion" while I was more on literature, history and math. Sure his intelligence doesn't really help him much academically, but he had me for that. His type of intelligence made him more normal than I am though. People here, I thought we're friendly, but 98% of the students here were complete snobs. Denver (my friend), however, was one of the 2% that actually have the decency to look people in the eye.

"HerShaye, I've got a lot to tell you. But first how was your summer darling?"  I'd never get tired of him saying my name like that.

"Denver dear, it was well." I say to him mimicking his way of talking to me like he's the queen on England. "But you know, I haven't really done much. What do you want to tell me about that you haven't managed to squeeze into our phone conversation to 12 midnight last night? Do share." of course I was kidding. It didn't really bother me that he spends most of his phonecalls on me. I giggled softly and expected him to join my quiet laughter but he didn't.

He looked like was going to hurl.

"Hey what's wrong?", I ask him.

He opened his mouth to say something but he closed it right away. Instead he flung his arms around me but not before he bursted into tears.

"He broke up with me.. " the words came out of his mouth like he'd been holding them in his chest the whole day.

Let me say something about my friend, when I said he was more sociable than I was, I wasn't kidding. One proof is that he's actually had relationships, whereas I haven't. And by "relationships", I meant boyfriend-girlfriend and stuff, except of course for him he's had boyfriends. His current one was named Dante, and he was really good looking too. Like Denver is, which is why I wasn't surprised when they became a 'thing'. They almost had everything in common according to Denver when he first introduced Dante to me. They both worshipped Tyra Banks and loved kimchi. (which I don't know why that'd be unusual since most korean people do. right?)

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