Oxford Girl

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Hiiiiii. :)

It's 6:30 in the morning and I'm eating breakfast with my parents and little brother, Luke.

My family isn't like every other family. But, in a good way kind of. I didn't find it hard sharing stuff with my folks since they themselves like acting like teenagers from time to time. My mom's name is Alyson, or Aly as dad calls her. My ol' man's name is Peter James, and as cliche as it was, people called him PJ, and only my mom called him Pete.

My dad used to be in the army long before he and my dearly beloved mother met. But now he runs a bakery because he loved baking pastries. My mom, as I've mentioned before, is a Math teacher. Dad loves joking around, and mom isn't the serious one in the family either. Which is why they were always great together. When mom had still had me in her oven (you know, when she was carrying me in her womb) , as she's told when I was a kid, she and dad were playing on the couch one night.. :

Mom: Peter James, I don't like Jade as a name, it may not even be a girl. I want to name it from chocolate.

Dad: Well if it's a guy, let's call him Tob or Toby, Toblerone.  And for girl, let's call her..... hmmmm...

Mom: Call her what??? C'mon, this better be good.

Dad: Still Jade!!!!!

and with that, Dad roared with laughter. Mom just stared at him with an annoyed look.

Mom: No. I want Hershey.

Dad didn't see mom frowning, so he kept laughing. Except, he was also tickling her. Word of advice, NEVER tickle a pregnant  woman. She has the emotional range of an elephant. She might end up hurting herself or others. Spread the word.

So dad kept tickling, and tickling. And he wasn't thinking so he accidentally poked mom's belly a little bit too hard for her liking. After he did, my mom groaned and started cursing, he panicked and

"Proooot! You popped out the very next day, dear." Mom retells as she placed another pancake on my plate.

Dad sipped from his coffee while reading the papers and said, "Your mother was so happy when we named you Shaye."

My brother and I couldn't stop laughing after hearing their stories. Good thing Luke already finished his milk before they got to the end of their tales.

"Happy? How couldn't I be? You were begging for my forgiveness for hitting my daughter out of me, Pete. How couldn't I be happy after seeing you face beg and whine, saying,  'Okay, we'll name it Shaye! We'll name it Shaye!! Happy?'" Mom smirked at dad and gave us a wink. Luke still couldn't get over the story and was still clapping like a retarded seal.

"That was a poke, not a hit. Seriously woman! You're making me look bad again." Dad says while rolling his eyes jokingly.

My brother, Luke, by the way, is adopted. His parents were Chinese and my folks found him at an orphanage when they were travelling Asia. They said that having a little brother would be a great playmate for me. And they said it just felt right. I was 7 when we accepted him as our own, so when he grew old enough to play, I was too old to do so. But that wasn't a problem because I loved taking care of him and being the big sister and all. Now he's 11 and really smart. He's at the top of his class even.

"Mom I got an A on spelling yesterday by the way!" Luke says while his mouth is full of half-chewed pancake. Mom took a clean towel and wiped the syrup off the corner of his mouth.

"Yeah well everything has autocorrect now dear." Dad says while grinning at him. Luke shrugs and continues eating his pancakes.

Dad giggled like a girly teenager and said, "I'm just kidding, son. That's great." and he takes another sip of his coffee and proceeds reading.

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