Request || Raphael

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Hi guys

This is a request from

So I hope you enjoy ********************Y/N POV

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So I hope you enjoy

"So what are we going to do with it?" Simon asked.
The baby was in your arms.
"Raphael will certainly not approve of this" Simon paced around occasionally pausing to pull at his messy hair.

"Calm down and stop pacing your going to make a hole in the rug. And you would be explaining that problem" You replied.
Simon heeded your warning, taking a seat on the side on the bed.

Well your probably wondering how this situation came about. Well.....

2 hours earlier

You and Simon are walking along a dark street after spending a night out to catch up.

You and Simon had been friends from before you had been turned. You had decided to go out to a restaurant to catch up.

Raphael was away on a business trip with the Boston clan you miss him dearly.

As you and Simon walked down the street your new vampire hearing became atuned to the sound of a babies crying.

"Simon do you hear that?" You both stopped standing to attention. Listening out you followed the sound of the soft cries.

Coming across an abandoned alleyway. There was a box damped by the wet ground. In the box lay a baby swaddled in a pink blanket.

The wailing ensued. You walk over picking up the babe and holding it to your chest in a careful motion.

The baby stopped crying fixing its hazel eyes in your y/e/c ones.
It let out a little wail grabbing at your clothing.

"Its a baby" was Simon's only comment.
"Well done captain obvious." Was your reply.
"Well what are we going to with her. Well I'm presuming its a she." Simon inquired.
"Well we can't leave her here"  you replied.
There was a silent moment.
"Oh no! We are not taking her with us. Raphael will kill us" Simon exclaimed.

"We can leave her to die. Plus we are already dead." You snapped back. Your eyes narrowing to a glare challenging him to stop you. He only raises his hands in a surrendering gesture.

Let's just say you got your way....

Back to present time

You were in your room. Well yours and Raphael's shares room.
You had a bottle of milk which was being drunk by a enthusiastic child. You hated to think how long she could have been left out there.

Suddenly the door was opened. Your head snapped up, it was Raphael.
He stopped dead in his tracks taking one look at you and then to the baby then to Simon.
He let out a growl fangs flashing.

"Woah Rapha calm down. It's not what you think." You cried out. He once again stopped.

He gained control. Fangs disappearing.
"You are to explain this situation, no detail to be left out. And Y/N you explain or we will be here forever." He took one glance at Simon when he said 'forever'.

So you told him everything. He would nod occasionally showing he was listening.

"And that is how it happened." You finished.
"Well I will phone the adoption center see whether they can take her" he made to stand up.
"On no you don't. Please Rapha." He stopped looking at you years were in your eyes.

You had quickly formed a bond with the child.

You desperately waited in the clan leaders reply. A few tears fell down your face.

Raphael took careful steps towards you, as if he was going to frighten you away.
You remained motionless as he final stopped in front of you.

He looked down at the child. You saw a slight softening in his usual stoic features. The baby smiled reaching out with small chubby hands. He allowed her to grab his fingers.

You let out a small smile at their interaction.
"Fine we can keep her." Was his answer.

You lets out a small sound
"Thank you Rapha" he smiled and placed a kiss on your brow. You grinned leaning into his touch.

You both hadn't realised Simon had left.

2 hours later

You had fed her again.
You had decided to wait until you knew the child's personality before you named her.

It's just the way your family did it. They waited until they knew the nature of the child's personality before naming them accordingly.

You placed the baby in a small makeshift bed you had made from blankets and pillows.

You had gone to bed not long after followed by Raphael.

That's when the crying began.....

2 weeks later

You were exhausted. Despite being a vampire you still got tired.  You had woken up at least 2 times each night to feed the baby.

Raphael would refuse to get up. Opting to wait in bed as you dragged yourself up.

You and Raphael had made a deal you get to keep the baby but he would have no part in raising her.

Well you had rapidly agreed but you were starting to regret it slightly.

So when you walked down to the kitchen you were surprised to see Raphael gently rocking your daughter singing a Spanish lullaby.

You smiled as he had a smile on his face clutching the child to his chest.

You walked into the room making your way to Raphael wrapping your arms around his waist chest pressed against his back.

He turned his head smiling at you.
"I've thought of a name for her." He concluded.
You smiled nodding for him to continue.

You recognised the Spanish origin but not the meaning.

You smiled and nodded.
He gave a small smile back.

Bending down to kiss your daughter's head.

You barely heard him whisper.
"My little light"


Woah. I actually finished a request on the day someone requested it. New record. 😊

Also this book has reached 100K which is insane. I generally started crying.

By the way I researched some Spanish names on the internet and Lucita just caught my attention.

It means 'little light'

I hope you enjoyed the chapter please continue to request I am working on trying to be better at replying and completing requests.


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