Chapter 1

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Cameron's POV

"Cameron! Get your ass up! If you miss your first day of school, I'm going to ground your dumb ass self!" My father screams. I groan and roll of my bed, landing with a big thump. I crawl towards my closet and lay down right in front of it.

"Cammy you ok in there? I heard the sound of something drop. Are you crawling on the floor again?" My mother says from outside my room. I quickly get up and walk into my closet.

"No, no. I'm up and looking for an outfit." Yes I have done this before. I'm just not much of a morning person and crawling is just so much easier.

I slipped on a dress and my school jacket before tying a scarf around my neck.

Wait I'm forgetting one thing. Stockings. I don't want people looking at my legs.

When I'm down the stairs, I grab my bag and slip my flats on and run to the door.

"Mom I'm leaving! Come here real quick." My mom walks out of the kitchen, the bruises on her arms were on full display and it was hard not to stay.

"Goodbye baby. Have fun ok. Don't let those girls ruin your day, ok?" I nodded my head and brought her into my arms.

"If he comes home drunk again, run. Got it? He doesn't own you. And don't worry about me. I'll leave too if he tries anything on me." She smiles sadly and brushes my cheek with her thumb.

"Your the best thing that has ever happened to me. Be careful. Now go get educated." I laughed and I walked out of the house. My smile fell and I walked my way to the school.

Please be careful momma.

When I walked in, I watched as friends hugged each other, happy to be reunited. Couples kissing, and hugging, in love.

Laughing talking, happiness.

I walk down the hallways alone and trying hard to keep my tears in. I nervously rub my arms and look for my locker.

When I found it, I put the combo in and put my bag inside. I grab my books for first period and a pen.

Someone comes over and slams my locker closed, catching my hair in it.

I hear a couple of clicks and I fight the tears.

"Do you need help? Oh well. Have fun. Ta ta." After a minute of trying to get my locker open, the bell rings and I finally get it open.

I pat my hair down to try to fix it and walk to art class.

When I entered, everyone was looking at me, whispering, and laughing. This day couldn't get worse.

"Miss Brooks. Your late. Detention. Wow on your first day." My face heats up and I sit down in a seat that is completely deserted. Away from everyone.

"My name is Mr. Ember. Mrs. Carter won't be coming back. I am your new art teacher. Today each of you will draw something that matches your mood and I want it by tomorrow. Ok start." I pull out my sketch book and let my hands do the drawing. My mind completely closed off.

The day goes by slowly and now it's detention time. Yay.

When I walk in, I don't look at the teacher at all. Well I haven't exactly looked at anybody today, so it's nothing new.

I was just about to sit until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped and quickly turned and backed away.

He held a hand out to me but I flinched and my heart beat started to race.

"Do you think I would hurt you? I would never hit you." He took a step closer and I took a step back. The voice I know belonged to Mr. Ember because he was the only one with a low, sexy voice. I pretend you never heard that.

I looked up and I swear it was like there was a god standing in front of me. He had dark brown hair and cute facial hair. He was very tall and had brown eyes that looked back at me a little worried.

I went to run but he grabbed my arm and I whimpered. His grip loosened and I took that as a moment to run. I ran as fast as I could away from the school.

The tears started. No matter how hard I try to keep them in, they always seem to come back to me.

And when they start, it takes forever for them to stop.

I guess I'll just go back to the house.

I walked into the house and immediately get slammed against the wall.

"Why did your mother run when I came home?" My father slaps me hard in the face but I don't scream, I stop my tears and let him beat me. I deserve this.

He called me ugly, fat, whore, slut, weak, nothing.

He kicked and punched, and shoved. When he was done, he left me there on the floor. But I didn't cry when he did this. I just forced myself to deal with it.

After a while, I pushed myself up and walked towards the pharmacy.

I walked in and went down a very familiar aisle and stop at the medicine.

I grabbed sleeping pills and appetite suppressants. Perfect.

I pay for them and walk back home. Well it's not really home, it's just somewhere I'm staying for now.

When I walked in, my dad wasn't there and neither was mom.

I guess I'll just go take a shower and cover my bruises and cuts.

I stripped down and started a bath. I dipped myself into the water and sat there wondering what if I just give up. I bet that would be easier.

I slowly descend into the water and keep my head under.

What would it be like to drown. To let this water consume my worries and hurt and let me be free.

Or maybe I should feel the pain first.

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