Classic Blondie

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At that moment all I could do was sitting quite.

In the room filled with the darkness of the sweet night, I could not see anything, nor even my own hands, which I help in front of my eyes. Despite the pay, this work was quite pleasuring anyway. To be perfectly honest, I don't think that I was ever honoured enough to do what I enjoyed daily. Not many could do such thing, on the other hand, I've put so much effort in order to be able to do so. I guess I can say that I deserved it.

Moreover, this job could not be any better. Giving something back to the society was a normal thing for this business. Ethics - high quality of them too. Not being able to imagine any other thing that I could do at this moment, a small sketched smile appeared on my face, only to be transformed into a slight and shy laughter. What would the world do without people, who care more about others then self? Lacking such people would mean the end of happiness and any meaning of life!

My hand moved towards the whole broad-line circuit. Glancing towards the upstairs I heard a sweet sound of the movement of the gentle feet, followed by her discussing voice.

The classic slut of our times, held her phone straight in front of her mouth, almost swallowing it all. The blue light of the screen lighted up her plastic face and bleached blond hair, which clearly cried for hydration and perhaps a little touch of coconut oil.

"Honey, I don't really know what's happening. Like, it was working just like a second ago. no honey, it is fine. I will just call like an electric guy or something. Yeah, I will call ya tomorrow sweetie. Bye."

Slowly walking downstairs, she used her beloved phone to show her the safe root down. One step after the other, the sound of her steps became louder and heavier. As soon as she stood on the third bottom step, my hand clung, squishing the old pincers.

At this very moment, I heard a quiet sound of cursing.

"Stupid phone, like, can't you have the bloody wi-fi when I need it?" Stupidly waiting for an answer, she talked to the portable machine. "God."

As I was completely confident that my job will be a success, I harshly pushed the main plug, turning the light on in the entire house.

"Hello," I said, making her jump. Exactly as I predicted, she was the perfect painting of a classic blondie, who cared more about the layers on her face than any valuable knowledge. Of course, I am not saying that every woman is just as ignorant. There are many intelligent female characters which I met before.

Her eyes fixed upon my face, shocked she started slowly moving backwards.

"Who are you?" Her pitched voice was even more annoying from such short distance.

"Honestly, I am not sure of my name yet." Sitting on the glass table I swung my leg, suggesting to her to look down. And so she did. There, upon the wooden floor lied the thick, cold corpse of the electrician. Covered in blood, it gave out a horrible smell of sweat and mud.

Suddenly covering her mouth, she rushed towards the door.

"Closed," I shouted.

"Let me go! Help!" The panic in her voice fueled my senses almost immediately making me feel the adrenaline, which I missed.

"And who are you talking to now?" Still not moving from my resting place, I questioned her actions. "Are you asking me to help you?"

"Help! I can't get out!"

"Are you out of your mind? You will wake up everyone in the... Oh, wait. We are in the rural part of the country. Aren't we? Well, scream then. At least I won't have to listen to you for much longer. Perhaps, you want to call someone?" Suggesting this action, I saw her running up the stair once again.

"Mike. Mike? Do you hear me? Help! There is someone in my house!" Jumping straight on my feet, I tried to ignore her stupidity. Could she not see the destroyed wire, when she rushed towards the door. It was even covered in this sweet red liquid, for goodness sake.

Slamming the door she hid in the bathroom. The bathroom was the only room with a lock. I know it because I knew how useful is studying the house before meeting with a potential customer. Aiming to create some tension, when using the stairs, as well as when making any move for that matter, I made sure to make it as heavy and as loud as possible. Easily freaking her out of the last modicum of common sense which she possessed, I knocked and shouted.

"Here is Johnny!" Laughing at my own joke I added."Should of bring my axe with me."

"Leave me alone!" There was a clear break in her voice.

"Why should I?"

"I want to live!"

"How sweet. You see, that guy, who lies in your living room, wanted to live as well. The world is not to simple though."

"W-why me?"

"Why not? Tell me - what are you worth? Why can't it be you? Do you seriously believe that you mean a single thing? That you could change a single thing. I am here to clear the world, to make sure that none of the rats like you survives. Open your eyes as realise that your death will sock nobody. No one will cry on your funeral."

"You're a freak! Leave me alone!" Gasping I kicked the old wooden door, opening them.

"You are taking horribly long to learn your lesson."

The screams became much wilder than before, much louder too. As I grabbed her hand, she tried to hit me. Once. Twice. Pulling her hand, then pushing me away, she tried to do anything to survive and only when she fell into the filled bath, giving out her last breath, she looked calm and innocent. The mascara slowly dissolved in the hot water, uncovering her pretty face. I believe that her lips are the most intriguing part of it - they have the colour of a summer rose, which shine in the sun. Taking my hand away, I allowed her head to drop down to the surface of the white porcelain.

As I moved away, I lighted up my cigarette, tasting the bitter smoke of tobacco. Observing the still body, was a pleasure to me. Her legs hang down from the bath, revealing the purple marks of the previous fight. Her shut eyes suggested a sweet dream of hers. Her lips half opened, showed her white, straight teeth. Even her bleached hair looked nicer when floating in the water.

Realising that I still haven't deserved a break, I quickly moved towards the living room. Seeing the huge contrast between the innocence of hers and the disgusting view of his, I rolled my eyes. How can it be that he still appears so pathetic to me, even when his spirits are gone?

Not even trying to keep the body in its natural form, I dragged it across the hall and the guest's bedroom and threw him on the bed. Such filth - he didn't even take his shoes off before sleeping. Looking at his body once more, I desperately tried to find at least one aspect of his to make me feel any pity, providing myself with another blast of smoke.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2018 ⏰

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