The Beginning and the End

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 "I knew, the day I saw you, I could be complete. The day I saw your golden eyes and tiny fingers, something inside me clicked into place. You were the only thing I could think about. Your pink lips, the curl of your ruffled hair, how intelligent and far off your eyes were--all these were consuming my thoughts. I always wondered how I had lived what felt like an eternity without you. That life, that miserable enigma of a life, it was so far away. Now, I finally had the only thing that made sense-- that made me happy. You.

Outside, the ever- changing autumn leaves were rumbling by and the cold, dreary nights of October were setting in. Nevertheless, even if the seasons changed, my life was the same. Everyday with the same boring work, the same dreary friends and the same scar left by that horrible monster Matthew that just kept getting bigger and bigger. I dreaded the day you were going to come into this world. So much that I almost left this world to avoid your coming but now, I wondered how I could have ever hated you.

That day I saw you was probably the most memorable day in my entire life. Your birth wasn't anything unusual. I was taken to the hospital and afterwards, you were in my arms and suddenly we were inseparable. I would take you everywhere with me because you were finally mine. I finally had someone who cared about me just as much as I cared about them. It was an exhilarating feeling. But like all things good, this moment didn't last. I don't know why I ever thought I could have a happy life. You see, Happy, Joyful, Cheerful, Memorable none of these are lasting for me unlike the eternal snow that falls down on my head today.

You might be wondering, love, why I'm saying this now. Why I chose to complain now. All the hurdles thrown at me, being an orphan, growing up with a numerous amount of foster parents all of whom used me as a servant, becoming an adult and scrounging for a job that gave me a roof over my head and food on the table. Losing my one and only friend. And that horrible encounter with him. And then you being born was probably the best and worst day of my life. I still didn't complain. I made myself not complain as the tears that would be shed was a nameless plea that shall be heard by no one. But today, December the twenty- first, today is the day I shall complain. All those events before pale in comparison to today. A whole new level of misery made its way into my life. Today is the day I lost you." Desdemona finished, in a voice full of melancholy. In front of her lay a coffin that perfectly fit the tiny inhabitant.

Outside, indeed was the snow tumbling down in a rhythmic sigh, murmuring to the world the untold secrets it carried. Surrounding the coffin were two people, a sympathetic old lady and the mother of the child, wearing a black dress and cape in contrast to the snow white surroundings. A thing that Desdemona thought about was that even though life ends like those dead leaves in October, time never stops for you. New life is born just like every spring and the memories of long ago are also reborn into something less painful. A silence set in very loudly. Slowly, what little people there were at the funeral dispersed and moved on with their lives, just as the seasons move on.

It is always Death's job to ensure what must happen, happens. Death never said it would be a pleasant job but yet, it was so very necessary. Death is a mystery. Death is a plague. But yet, Death is a relief. How can it be that one thing could be so many things all at once? Is it a good thing or a bad thing? That, is a true conundrum of life.                 

**Author's Note**

Hello! Thank you for reading my very short story! I hope you liked it! Plz comment, vote and share!


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