chapter 11

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Readers P.O.V.:
I'm walking out of the bathroom. I feel horrible for what happened to Kurapika. I sit down next to him while his phone rings. "It's your dad," he says. Than he presses accept. I make sure I'm as silent as I can be. "Kurapika here... Hello Mister Nostrade... I'm at the parc, it's silent here... Okay... Bye." "Where was that about?" I ask. "I have to go with mister Nostrade to the auction," Kurapika says before standing up. "Good luck!" I wish him. "Thank you, bye!" Kurapika says when he walks out. "So what are we going to do?" I ask Gon, Killua and Leorio. "We're going to get some money for Greed Island!" Gon screams. "Greed Island?" I ask. "A game which should lead to his father," Killua answers. "Okay... I'll just stay here and clean some things up. I don't think it's a good idea for me to go to a market while my dad is searching me," I explain. "Okay, see you later," Leorio says. Than the three boys walk out. "Where should I start... It's pretty dirty in here because of those three," I say to myself while looking around. Indecide to start in the kitchen.

After I did the kitchen I walk over to the living room. "That was one hell, I threw away almost everything in the fridge... All over date!" I complain to myself. I text Leorio that they have to bring new food and drinks. ''Why?" he texts back. "Because everything was over date!" I text before closing my texts. I put on some music and continue cleaning the place.

After an hour or two I got everything back to a status called: able to live in. Because I never had to clean for myself I'm of course not very good at this so I did my best. Than I see a text from Kurapika: "We found some traces of the Phantom Troupe so I will be back late. Good luck with Leorio, Gon and Killua!" I stare for a moment at the text. "Damn it! I promised I would help! And than he doesn't even give me proper information!" I scream to myself before falling on the couch. Than I realise something. Why would I stay here? I don't have any reason to stay here, no one says I have to but still I just don't want to go outside on my own. Why does something get boring when you can finally do it?! So I decide to call Leorio. "Something wrong?" he asks when picking up the phone. "No, where are you?" I ask. "Where in the city. Close to the square," Leorio answers. "What are you doing?" I ask next. "Gon is doing some arm wrestling to get money," Leorio answers. "Does he even win?" I ask confused. "All the time, you know he's a professional Hunter too right?" Leorio answers. "No, didn't knew," I say. "Anyways, if you want to come I'll explain how to get here," Leorio says. "That would be nice," I improve. So Leorio starts explaining the way.

After some walking I see a group of people, mostly men. They are standing in front of a small table where a kid is sitting. I watch how Gon takes down his current opponent without any difficulty and walk towards the table. "You have to stand in line!" "This is nog for girls!" "Get rid!" I hear behind me as I skip the line and join Killua and Leorio who are standing next to the table. "They are pretty full of themselves," I sigh. "Yeah, but no one managed to win," Leorio says. "I want to see these big men failing against a little boy," I say laughing. "I'm not little!" Gon shouts. "Just a little small," I chuckle. Gon continues his arm wrestling when I look at Killua and Leorio. "Isn't this boring for you, guys?" I ask. "No, it's funny to see these guys struggle," Killua grins. "What he says," Leorio agrees. "You are really impossible," I laugh. "You just said it was funny too!" Killua shouts. "I didn't say I wasn't impossible, did I?" I laugh. "You're right," Leorio says.

After some time the row starts to shrink. It's getting pretty late and people are probably getting tired of this. Some people think we set them up and wanted to inspect Gon. Seriously, how can you set an arm wrestling match so up in your favor! "I'm getting kinda hungry," I say. "I haven't been to the store yet," Leorio says. "I'll fastly go get some food. I think it's a better idea to go to the supermarket when we're done here," I say. "I agree, where are you going to get some food?" Leorio asks. I look around and see a sushi place across the street. "There," I say, pointing at it. "Any specific wishes?" I ask. "No," all three boys say, too caught up in the arm wrestling. "Fine," I say, walking to the sushi place.

A few minutes later I got the sushi and walk back. "I got one little box for all of us," I explain giving everyone a little box with 8 pieces of sushi, some rice with sauce and meat and something to drink in it. After I gave everyone there dinner I sit down next to a wall and start eating. I'm pretty worried about Kurapika... I hope everything goes well but don't want to bother him with a text. Also, in movies, you're always exposed by the phone! So I just start eating.

Sorry for not uploading yesterday!
I hope you enjoyed this part, it's not much and it did cost me some efford to write this and, hopefully, not make it boring.
Thanks for all the reads!

Otaku power!

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