Chapter 2: Idiotic Jealousy

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Jae was furious to say the least. He was beyond mad. He had been waiting for two hours since he had called Tani, but she wasn't anywhere near where he had expected her to be. She was supposed to meet him at their favourite restaurant café but, here she was with her friends- to be precise her male friends.

Jae knew that he was being childish but he couldn't help it. He was tired as the classes weren't quite helpful and he wanted to go home have nice dinner with his girlfriend and to be cuddled. He wanted to be touched and to be held in her loving arms. But, she had forgotten about their little date it seemed.

He had tried calling her but, her phone was off. He had gone to the library as he knew she would be bundled up in the books all the day. But, he was disappointed when he had reached the library. He was upset and was ready to walk back home when he stumbled upon Lauren, Tani's best friend. She was surprised to see Jae say the least. Jae was terrified of library ever since he had been kicked out during the freshmen year. He was terrified of the librarian and he couldn't look him in the eye when she tried to hit on him in front of Tani. He had stood up against her actions but then his plans backfired as the librarian started making excuses and accusing him of hitting on her.

Lauren informed Jae that Tani had left library one hour ago since her group of friends had forced her to go with them for some drinks as she didn't spend much time with them. Jae was worried as he knew Tani could handle her drinks but up to a certain point before she would start blabbering shit like a new born baby. She was still his baby no matter how much she matured, so he was concerned.

After learning from Lauren that her friends took her to a bar they frequented, he made his way over. All the while through his way, he was stressing like an idiot. He didn't realise that he had been sweating and nervous, so when he reached the bar he was a mess.

Jae stopped in front of the door, breathing in calmly before he opened and went inside. The bar was full of people wearing revealing clothes and alcohol was passed around, a sight which Jae didn't wanted to be met with. Nonetheless, his eyes started searching for Tani in the crowd. His gaze was fixed on the right side of the bar when he heard her laughter from the left side of the bar. He turned his neck so fast, he swore he almost broke it. His legs started walking on their own and just like that he was in front of her table.

There were five people seated at the table and the table was full of dishes and beer bottles. Everyone at the table turned towards the surprising visit from Jae and some of them smiled at him recognition. He nodded as he turned towards Tani who was now looking at him with wide eyes. There was a new addition to the group, which Jae had noticed as he saw the guy handing another beer glass to Tani, which Tani in her drunk state gladly accepted while still looking at Jae.

Jae's attention was now on the new guy as he tried gaining Tani's attention by touching her arm slowly. Tani broke his stare as she suddenly mumbled, "I...." she hiccupped as she continued, "I....I.....fee..l like.... I have seen you some.....where" she placed a finger against her temple as she strained her eyes trying to remember him.

James slammed his head on the table as he sighed, "He's your boyfriend for fuck's sake." Tani's mouth formed an O shape as the sudden realisation dawned on her as she turned to Jae, "You're my boyfriend, right? You're so handsome." She was now goofily smiling up to him and that had almost broken his stern exterior. The word almost was of utmost importance as of now the new guy was looking at Jae with wide scared eyes.

Jae smirked at him as he thought, yeah that's right asshole, she's my girlfriend, get your hands off of her. He was satisfied with himself. But, his smirk was swiped right off his face seconds later as he heard Tani speak in her mother tongue, "Par tum mere boyfriend hona? (But, aren't you my boyfriend?)" as she turned to the new guy in confusion. The people at the table didn't know her mother but Jae understood enough as she had taught him.

Jae quickly managed to take hold of her hand as she still stared at the new guy. Jae helped her up as he took her bag in his hand. "You're drunk, babe. Let's go home." Jae said as he nodded as a goodbye to her friends. They nodded in understanding as they bid their goodbyes. Tani was still confused but she continued walking to where Jae made her go.

Suddenly, she stood up straight and turned as she walked towards the new guy. She pointed her finger at him and uttered in a serious tone, "But, you kept saying that to me?"

James interfered as the new guy was about to speak, "What do you keep talking about, Tani?"

Tani was ready to answer him but, Jae clamped her mouth shut with his hand as he smiled apologetically to her friends, "Sorry, guys, she's just drunk and needs sleep. We'll see you guys around." They finally bid goodbye to her friends with Tani nodding her head cutely and Jae glaring at the new guy.

Jae managed to tuck Tani in soundly despite her whining about feeling too hot. When she was sleeping soundly her phone chimed as a new message came in. It was after midnight and Jae was curious as to who would text Tani at such a late hour so, he picked up her phone. He opened the message only to find it from an unknown number.

"Please take care of yourself and good night, love." It said.

Jae was sure it was the new guy but he managed to ignore it as he saw Tani shuffling in the bed trying to hold onto him in her sleep. So, for the time being he placed her phone on the night stand and got under the covers with her. He smiled to himself as he snuggled up to Tani. Tani hummed in her sleep as she clutched onto Jae and his smiled widened as he heard her mutter cutely, "I love you so much."

Just like that all his worries for the day vanished and he kissed her forehead before saying the same without hesitation and fell asleep in her arms.



Okay, so how have you been guys? I know this chapter wasn't really that good but, bare with me please. Also, do you like this writing style? Please lemme know and keep on showing your love for the book. Seriously, its what gets me going!

Take care of yourself and love yourself.

All the love

-Reyna x

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2018 ⏰

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