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Chapter 1

I'm the kind of person who is always dreaming of the day when my Prince Charming will find me and carry me out into the sunset, just like Cinderella. But I know that day won't come any time soon. Not that I want it to anyway. And I'm sure everyone has that someone who they are dying to have talk to them - or even just say "hi". But in my school, there's no one I really "like". I have guy friends, along with my girl friends, but I don't think that way of any of my guy friends. I just enjoy their company. Just like any friend would.

One thing about me is I love to read. I will read anything. I love fantasy mixed with reality, a world I like to think I live in. But I know that fighting knights and princesses who are locked up in 100ft tall towers is not very realistic.

I just got off the bus from school and let myself into my house. My mom and dad work and they come home around 12 or 1 in the morning. Sometimes they go on business trips for days or even weeks. I walked up stairs into my room and set my bag down on my desk chair. I grabbed my phone and threw myself onto my bed. I closed my eyes for a minute, then my phone rang. I picked it up.

"Anna! Where are you?" Said my best friend Serena

"I'm on my bed?" I replied.

"What! You can't be! You forgot didn't you." She got really serious all of a sudden.

"Um what was I not supposed to forget?"

"Ugg Anna. We were supposed to go shopping for new bikinis!"

"Oh right. About that."

"You can't bail on me now Anna. Come on please!"

"Ser I don't kn-" she cut me off

"Cool! So I'll pick you up in five! Bye!"

She hung up. Great, all I wanted to do right now was to read my book. Ok fine I thought to myself.

AnnaWhere stories live. Discover now