Chapter 5

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Carrie POV

It's been about a month and the summer is starting to come to an end. Mike and I decided it was time to go on one of our church's mission trips so we went to Haiti with them for a week and helped a shelter for children who are in need. There, I definitely gained a new perspective and as soon as I got home I wanted to tell Mike my ideas.

It was our first night back and I know all Mike wanted to do was sleep but I couldn't wait to tell him my ideas so I told him as soon as he lied down next to me as Ace and Penny hopped up. "Mike, I have something crazy to tell you."

All Mike could do at that comment was laugh, "Oh, I can't wait to hear this."

"Mikey, I'm serious!" I playfully whined hitting his shoulder.

"Okay," he said as his giggling quieted down. "I'm listening."

"This trip just kind of got me thinking a little about things," I told him. "I loved each and every one of those kids and if I could take all of them home with me I would do it this second. They deserve so much better than what they have even if we did give them better. They still deserve more."

Mike smiled down at me and had his ears open to listen.

"All of this got me thinking of how much I want us to have kids," I murmured. "And I know that we can't have our own kids, but what if we opened our home to the kids that don't have one? The kids that are already out there and need our love?"

"Like, adopt?" he asked very curious of what I was getting at. I nodded and kept quiet praying to God maybe he would think the same. All of a sudden, his bright eyes start to widen. "Baby, that sounds genius! We should totally do that! There's no better way to start a family than like this, babe!"

All I could do was grin at his agreement, "You think?!"

"Carrie, I know! We're going to get on this ASAP okay?" Mike exclaimed.

"Really?!" I questioned.

"As long as you think you're ready," he assured.

"I'm so ready," I winked at him. Both of us shared a couple of kisses after that before we curled underneath the covers together and drifted off to sleep.

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