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I can't believe how Robin managed to do it, but the next day I have the appointment. Because of the way she talked about it, I thought it could take weeks, but I guess I'm lucky.

I arrive early at the office that wednesday, because yesterday I was nearly on time and the appointment is early too.

It's weird for me to be three days in a row at the office, since I also work as an actual garderner. I'm not just a boss of a company who orders everyone around. I like to get outside and work with everything regarding gardening and flower arranging.

The first thing I do is make some coffee for myself, since I didn't go to the coffeehouse today. I grab my cup of coffee when it is finished and walk to my desk. My employees get in to the office one by one and I smile. I can't help but be proud of what I've managed to do with my company. I worked my ass off for it and now it finally starts to pay off. 

I close the door of my office and straighten my dress, which ends just above my knee. Normally I would've gone for something more comfortable for a day at my office, but this client seems pretty important, so I decided to dress a little bit more tidier than I usually do. I figured I might as well make a good impression on this person.

After I start my computer up and I am about to actually start working, I hear two short knocks on my office door, followed by the door being opened.

"Rose, hey, I have a new catalog in my office which arrived today.” Phoebe, one of my office girls says when she enters my office. “I saw these flowers in it and I wanted to know your opinion about them being used for that large bouquet for the church," she continues.

"Oh, great! Let's have a look at it," I say while I get up from my chair and follow Phoebe to her office.

When we've settled on what to do with the bouquet, I walk back to my office. I open the door, suprised to see a man in my office. I don't seem to know him, so he could be the nine o'clock appointment.

"Hi, can I help you?"  I ask politely.

The man turns around and immediately it strikes me how incredible good looking this man is. Clad in a which seems a expensive brand suit, he instantly changes the ambience in the room to some control he holds. Eventhough his hair is kinda messy, it also seems just in control.

"At last, I believe you can." he answers my question, with a somewhat light but also rugged voice. "Firstly, thank you for kindly reschedule this appointment after you left me waiting yesterday. Secondly, I'm looking for someone who can design, create and maintain the garden I plan to have around my new house," he explains. While he does that, he makes sure to keep full eye-contact, not once wandering off. 

"I am sorry about the reschedule, but okay, please sit down," I invite him, a bit taken aback. This guy shows such little emotion, just that domination he owns, he scares me a bit.

I walk over to my chair and sit down, while he sits in one of the chairs in front of my desk.

"About the garden, how much Yards will it be?" I ask him, grabbing my notebook to make notes.

"About one and a halve Acre," he says, while looking at me intently, and my eyes grow big immediately.

"But, Mr. eh," I start, embarrased I forgot to introduce myself to him. Really professional Rose, really.

"Tomlinson," he finishes and I nod, recognizing him. Tomlinson, of Tomlinson Enterprises. The most well-known businessman of the year. I become more and more dubious about his visit. Can I complete the assignment he will give me?

"Mr Tomlinson, the last thing I want to do is to speak bad about my company, but you are known with the fact that I represent just a small one? This would be a great assignment, but wouldn’t it be somewhat impossible for my company?" I ask him and I look at him.

He frowns a bit and thus I continue. "Aren't you looking for a larger company, with more than six gardeners, who could help you in much lesser time than I am able to do?" I explain myself.

He gets up from his seat and slowly walks over to my side of the desk. "Well, Miss... Can I call you Rose?” he starts and he looks at me. “I am going to call you Rose," he decides and I do nothing less than allow him to call me by my first name, which is weird; I almost never go to first name base with my other clients.

He grabs a hold of the back of my chair and slowly turns me around. I don't dare to move even the slightest. I look at him as he leans forward and leans his hands on the armrests of my chair.

"First your assistent insists on having the appointment at the office of the people I hire, which I rarely do. Then you leave me waiting for you, which I never do, hence I left. And now we are here, in your office and you politely try to decline my assignment?" He looks at me questionally, immediately making me feel a lot smaller.

"You know how I find that?" He asks and looks at me intently.

"Infuriating," he says with a low voice. "Although it also shows you know who and what you are, and that is cravingly hot."

Like he didn't just tell that he thinks I am hot, he quickly continues. “Are you known with the fact that I represent one of the largest enterprises in London?” he asks me and I slowly nod.

"Well then, as you apparently know; I am a businessman and I could say I am doing just fine at being one," he says and he chuckles softly. "I think I can decide perfectly fine who I want to hire for my garden, so you just have to trust me on that one, okay?" 

He stands up straight and walks back. "I will let my assistent inquire for your adress at your receptionist and inform her about at what time I will be at your house to pick you up. We are going to have dinner at a restaurant tonight to discuss the details of the plans,” he looks at me once more. “Dress nicely,” he adds and with that he walks out of my office, leaving me shocked.


Daaaamn, Louis. What are you doing? You can't just barg out of people's offices, leaving them like that!? ^^ 

I added a photo of the dress Rose is wearing.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2014 ⏰

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