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"Robert, you're my hero!" I smile thankfully at Robert, a guy who owns a small coffeehouse nearby my house and office. "I can't believe I overslept!" I continue.

"Rose, darling, it can happen to everyone. Luckily you're not very late, you can make it before the rest arrives if you run," he winks at me. "Anyway, here is your coffee and now; off to work!" he says as he hands me my coffee. 

I take it in my hand and wave at him with my other hand, while I turn around and get back outside. I begin to walk on a faster pace than I would normally do, but I really need to get to my office quick now, before everyone else arrives.

When I finally get there, I see Julia, my best friend and co-worker, already waiting. 

"Sorry! I overslept!" is the first thing that leaves my mouth.

Julia just laughs. "That's not a first," she says and she looks at me.

"Yeah, well, maybe I should get a better alarm than just my radio," I say with a smile. I grab my keys and open the office door.

"Rose, We have these things where we can set multiple alarms with every ringtone we want, you know. What are they called again? I believe something like smartphones," Julia sassily remarks while getting inside the office and I sigh.

"I don't need one, my Nokia is just perfect! It can call, it can text; everything I need," I answer to her as I follow her. I turn on the lights and look back at Julia.

"But the new Nokia's, and all the other smartphones, can do so much more!" she tries, but I shake my head.

"Nope, don't need it, don't want it. Now, get to work!" I tell her.

"Yeah yeah, oh, that reminds me; Karen called and she wanted to know if she should go for the white Gerberas or with the red ones for the Green's bouquet," Julia asks and I think about the options.

"White, Red will remind Mrs. Green of her aunt's funeral last month, so we can't use those," I answer with a smile.

"Oh yeah, almost forgot. I'll tell her to go for the white ones," Julia says and I nod while I leave my coat at the entrance.

Slowly all the other employees arrive and I greet some of them, before I walk to my office.

I open the door to my office room and I turn on the lights. I start my computer after I've walked over to my desk and then I take a seat. I turn over to my agenda to see what meetings and appointments I have today. I smile when I see it's only one, at three o'clock, which leaves me with enough time to do the drawing on the garden that my company is constructing for the Anderson family.

It takes me a lot of time to complete the drawing. The instructions and preferences aren't that hard, but the shape of the garden makes it a lot more difficult. I take a look at the time to see it is already half past one.

I get up from my chair and walk over to one of my employees.

"Liam! I have the drawing for the Andersons ready, could you take a look at it with me?" I ask him and he nods.

We're deep in discussion about one of the minor details, when my receptionist knocks on my door. 

"Rose! Niall just called and there is a teeny tiny problem with the flowers which were ordered for the hotel," Robin starts and I turn to look at her. By the look on her face I can tell the problem isn't as tiny as she described. "The roses were supposed to be grey, but they turned out to be another colour and now the other flowers won't match anymore."

I make up my mind. "Okay, I'm going there right away to see what I can do," I say and I walk back to the entrance, where I grab my coat.

"But what about your three o'clock appointment? It's in less than an hour," she asks as she follows me.

"You're just going to offer him a cup of coffee, or tea, whatever he wants, and tell him that I'll be on my way," I tell her.

"But, it's not just- You know who's coming, right?" she asks me with a cautious glance.

"I have no idea, but believe me, I would say the same to the president; he can wait," I end the conversation, knowing I wouldn't exactly say that to the president, but since he for sure isn't the one who is coming, it's alright for now.

After I've dealt with the situation at the hotel we are delivering flowers to, I get back to my office as fast as I can. When I'm finally back inside I see that I'm ten minutes late for my appointment. I mentally pat myself on the back, I could've been much more late than I am now, so I'm happy. 

I get out of my coat and walk to my office, expecting the client to be waiting for me, but instead I find my office to be empty.

"Robin?" I walk over to her desk at the entrance of the building. "Where's the guy from the appointment?" 

"He left after waiting exactly two minutes," she tells me with an apologetic look.

I frown. "Two minutes? Why would he only wait two damn minutes?" 

"He said his time wasn't worth waiting for, and I quote; "some dumb garden", and so he left." 

"Well, that's a...," I start, looking for the right words, "bummer," I scoff.

"He said that we should call him for a new appointment," Robin says, "but you should know that making this one was pretty hard and that he'll most likely try to convince you to have the meeting at his office."

"Too bad for him, that's not my policy. I don't even want to know this guys name, just make a new appointment, let it take place here and let me know when I can be expecting him," I say and Robin nods.

I walk back to my desk and sit down. Even though I don't want to admit it, I am pretty curious about this client. Who could be this important, that waiting longer than two minutes is simply impossible?


And so I decided to change the whole storyline. I hope you liked the first chapter! Please let me know what you think of this and of the whole new idea, I'm curious!

Vote, comment and share please! x Annelien

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