Ch 1

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A/n: the characters name is Gwen

Gwen snaps her eyes open a murky cloud covers her vision she feel cold and wet. She evidently sit up breathing in the filthy water of a long-forgotten tub. Gwen looks around at the crumbling and dirty bathroom that greets her. she stand up letting the  water rolls off her leather jacket, she step out of the tub splashing water all over the dull tile floor, and walks to the dirty mirror that barly clung to the weakened wall and wipe away some grime and stares at  herself she and tried to remember anything that would cause her a real shinner and several cuts that look like they  caused by brass knuckles as you can see the markings, the cold air stung lips as she parted them great she had a split lip, again she tried  look back in her mind, she must have gotten in a real scrap, she sighed in pain and looked around; where was she and why was it so cold? her memory failed her as she wander out of the bathroom looking for anything to rejoge her memory but nothing. "Hoppen hell what did I do" she said allowed reeeling when her  head began to throbb casuing her to  stumble out of the room and into the long abandoned halls. "What time is it" she again ask allowed trying to keep herself sane. She looked down to her watch that had stopped ticking she cursed loudly un clasping the watch from her wrist "so much for water-proof; shit I gotta get outta here" she said and hurnined down the crumbaling halls not allowing herself to question anything further.

I step off the destroyed hotel dragging my right knee behind me rats i hope it's not broken; i looked around and everything was covered in snow for some reason, isn't to early in the season for it! whatever it doesn't matter i need to get into town and find a payphone i hope i still have change on me, i pull my wet jacket tighter hoping for some warmth and keep walking. Man i should have just stayed at that place I've been walking for hours and i don't know if I'm going to make it, everything is frozen and it burns when i try to move my fingers.

Gw:"What the hell is happening to me!" I shout out in frustration to no one well I thought I was alone but the sound of a car pulling beside me says otherwise.

Ni: "Howdy," a female voice says from beside me, i turned to face the person only to see her police car.

Gw:"Great" I mumbled under my breath and stop, a concerned looking redhead greets me back 

Gw:"Hey" I shiver out

Ni:"What are you doing out walking in this weather" I turn my injured face away and speak sideways to her

Gw:"I'm just out walken that's all officer" i say and shift uncomfortable unfortantly that sent weight to my hurt leg and i stumbled falling to the icey road.


The officer jumpts out of her car and picks me up like nothing helping me stand, i was gonna bounce when she spoke softly again.

Ni:"Why don't you hop in and I'll take you to the hospital I anit gonna hurt you." she smiles flashing dimples and reassuring me. she stopped her car and I reluctantly get in the cruiser.  

Nichole's Pov:

I finally got the girl to get in my squad car and now that she's closer i could see how hurt she really was but she didn't speak up so i just drove silently ever so often looking over to examine the quiet girl beside me. Her leather jacket was frozen to her small frame jer black jeans were ripped and stained but that wasn't the only thing off about the girl. Her face had many scratches and bumps but was also nursing a black eye. Also when she would shift her face would contort in pain and she would grab her side. I frowned and gave her my jacket she took it and we headed towards Purgatory.


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