Chapter 3 part 2

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"Sweetheart please come back to me!" the shape of a familiar boy yells at me as everything turns black.


I wake up from the knocks against my door.

"Exilla! Are you awake?" A female voice asks.

"Yea give me 5 minutes!" I respond.

I change to the uniform and go outside. As I open the door a tall lady with blond hair stands infront of me.

" Oh you must be Larxenne." I say

"That's right! Sorry that it took a little bit longer, but now we go to your first mission with me." She smiles at me.

Larxenne opens a portal and we go through. We end up in a forest. Through the small bushes I can see a big mansion. Larxenne goes in the direction of it. I follow her.

"So for our first mission together we go to Naminé to get your memories back. Oh! And don't worry since we're both girls I'll be nice to you if you obey, if you don't then that's something else. Got it?" She smiles.

I nod and smile back. I'm a little bit calmed since she said that. As we enter the mansion Naminé sits in the main hall to welcome us.

"Hi. You must be Exilla. Nice to meet you, I'm Naminé please follow me." She says and walks along the hall.

Larxenne and Naminé go up the stairs. I follow and look around. This house is so big. We enter a small white room. Naminé sits down and points to the chair infront of her. I go to the chair and sit down. She takes my hands.

"Don't worry this won't hurt, you just need to relax and focus." She tells me.

I close my eyes and try to think of something relaxing, but all that comes to my mind are the outlines of the boy of my dreams. A few minutes past as the door behind me gets smashed open.

"Stop!" A voice screams.

As I turn around I see a boy with blondish hair and cristall blue eyes.

"Roxas?!" Larxenne yells confused.

"But how I thought you turned back to your somebodie." Naminé says.

He runs towards me grabs me by the wrist and drags me outside. We run for a while till we arrive at the train station. As he wants to enter the train I pull myself back to release my arm.

"Wait! I don't even know you. I could've get my memories back if I stayed there!" I say frustrated.

"They wouldn't give you all memories back... only those they thought are usefull." He looks at me.

I look at him as I tear up. Then I remember what Axel told me.

"Y....You're Roxas!" I say

"Yea!! And the place where we're going is your home! All your friends are there, thats the place where you'll get all your memories back!" He says happy.

I look on the ground and start to walk in the train. As we sit down and the train starts to move, it gets really silent.

"Sooo you're Leilas nobodie. What name did they gave you?" Roxas asks.

"Exilla.... they called me Exilla." I respond.

"Exilla huh? Well.. That's a cute name." He blushes.

A few hours past and we arrive at our destination. Roxas takes my hand and goes with me to a huge castle. As we enter a lot of people stand infront of us. Two mice which seem like the owners of the castle, a duck and a dog which look like some sort of guardians, a girl with redish hair and pink clothes and a tall boy with silver hair. They all look happy to see me but why?.

"Roxas who a..." I turn around and see Roxas surrounded by light.

In the next moment a boy with spikey brown hair stands infront of me. The boy I dreamed of. I look surprised but still confused at him.

"Wow ok... uuuhm....what... happend to Roxas?" I ask confused.

" Don't you remember? it's me sweetheart." He says sad.

"She won't remember that fast you dummie! We need to help out!" The silver haired boy says.

"Yea and i think it's best if she remembers slowly like one or two persons a day" The girl tells them.

Roxas somebodie looks at me.


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