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Tamaki's POV

I rang the doorbell, and waited anxiously for an answer.

«Come in»

I walked up the two floors until I reached Mirio's door, and he stood there smiling, inviting me in.
I stepped inside, and took my shoes off.

It had only been two days since that happend, but he was smiling through it all.
His smile was like breathing to him, he just did it without thinking.
That's one of the things I had noticed over the many years we've been best friends, no matter how hard life got, he kept on going with a happy face.

Even now when he's lost both his quirk and his mentor, he still cares more about others than himself.

«You wanna play a board-game?» he interrupted, like he knew what I wanted to say. And he probably did.
«Sure..» I answered.

We went into his living room, it looked really clean, which wasn't usual for him.
The place was normally filled to the top in empty instant noodles packages and both dirty and clean socks
«You cleaned?»
«Yeah, it's not like I had much else to do..»

We were both quiet after that, while he went looking for a game.
And unlike the normal comfortable quietness we usually had, this was more tense.

«Ludo?» he asked, peeking his head out from the tiny storage room
«we're just two»
«I could invite Nejire over»
«Good idea» I replied

I think we both just wanted this silence to end.

«Wanna watch some television in the meanwhile?» he asked
«Sure» I said

I sat down on his couch, next to him, looking straight ahead.
I didn't wanna look at him, I didn't wanna see the smile that he tried to cover up the pain with. I couldn't do that, not without crying.
And that's the last thing he needed to see right now.

He fished his phone out of his back pocket and slowly sat down on the couch,
«Hi Nejire! Wanna come over? Tamaki's here as well!»
«Yeah that's perfect, we'll be waiting for you here!»

«She'll be here in 20» he said to me
«Mhm» I got out, not knowing what else to say.

He scrolled though the different shows and newsreports, but stopped when he saw his own face.
I read the undertitle
'Mirio of the big three lost his quirk in battle'
The newslady started talking
«This week a young hero, Mirio Togata lost his quirk during a mission. The details are still unknown»
And then he scrolled to the next channel like nothing.
And just then from the side of my eye, I thought I saw a flinch in his smile
And it broke my heart

Mirio's POV

«I guess I'm famous now, huh?» I said with a small awkward laugh.
Just keep on smiling, don't make Tamaki worry, you're ok.
I looked over at him, and saw him blinking rapidly.
«I'm going to the bathroom» he said quietly, almost like a whisper.
I watched him walk out of the living room, and into the bathroom before locking the door.

The apartment had never been more quiet, not even when I was alone in it.

And then I heard a muffled sob, and then another one, followed by more.
I waited a couple of minutes, debating on whether or not to go to him.
What would I say? I'm sorry I lost my quirk?
The door then unlocked and he came back, and sat down next to me.
His eyes red and puffy.
«Tamaki..» I said in a soft voice
He bit his lower lip

«Tamaki, I'm sorry» I said, my smile long gone.
«S-sorry for what? It wasn't your fault. It's just that you worked so hard to achieve everything and now it's just taken away. It's not fair! And I shouldn't be the one crying, it didn't happen to me! I'm supposed to be there for you, and not be the weak one like I've always been. You're so strong and you smile all the time.. but, please don't smile when you don't want to. It hurts me to see you hiding your feelings, you're allowed to be sad too..» he got out, before completely breaking down for what seemed like the second time in only minutes.
«Tamaki. You are not weak, I promise you that. And I also promise I'll try not to hide my feelings anymore. I'm sorry I hurt you»
I said and pulled him into my arms, letting the long held back tears fall free.

After some minutes I found a sleeping Tamaki in my arms
He must have been really worried
I slowly layed him down on the couch and put a blanket on top of him
I couldn't help but smile at the sight.

My phone lit up, a text from Nejire.
'I'm outside'
I went over to the door and let her in.
«Mirio?! Have you been crying?» she asked along with a worried facial expression.
«Uh, yeah.. long story short, I'm really glad I have Tamaki in my life. Oh yeah and he's asleep in the living room, so if we could try not to be too loud»
«yes of course!» she said and looked over into the living room
«He's really cute when he sleeps» she mumbled
«I know right!» I said without thinking, and covered my blushing face in my hands.
When I looked up I saw she was smiling at me.
«I mean.. uh.. I suppose he hasn't slept in days, he fell asleep right in my arms- I MEAN HE WAS PROBABLY JUST REALLY TIRED!!»
She laughed, «I thought you were the one who said we wheren't supposed to wake him up»
I threw my hand over my mouth and looked over at him
Still asleep huh?
I took a deep breath out
«Lets just wait for him to wake up» I said
«Great idea»

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