TWO: On The Other End of This Stick is an Idiot

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I walked into the building and made my way to my locker, ignoring the curious glances of others. Supposidly, there is a new 'Bad Boy' here. Sorry, but that position is taken. By me. Yes, I am a girl, but I am bad. I reach my locker just in time before someone hugs me from behind. I turn around to see Kylee. 

"What now, Kylee?" I sigh in frustration. Kylee is a person who gets bullied alot. She is weak, but strong. 

"T-t-the n-n-new kid is h-here. A-and h-he i-is m-m-mad." Kylee sputters.

"What do you mean? Who is he mad at?" I ask calmly, not wanting to make the situation worse.  She gulps nervously, looking around hoping no one would hear her.

"You." She whispers. As if on que, a tall guy with a leather jaket, white v-neck, jeans, and black VANS, makes his way over to us. Kylee, being Kylee, freaks and bolts out. Oh Kylee. What to do.

"Are you Daisy?" He asks towering over me by only three inches. And let me tell you, I'm 5'8. Yes I'm tall. It's a gift.

"Nah, I'm Lily!" I say sarcasm dripping in my voice. It's true though, me and Lily look a lot alike. "Psh, don't play dumb, little one." He smirks patting my head. OK, NO ONE pats my head. NO ONE calls my dumb.

"Call me that one more time..." I growl. Wait, did I just growl? Yes, yes I did. He pats my head and that's when I lose it. A girl walking by see's the problem, and hands me her hot chocolate. I smile and take off the lid; dumping it on 'The Bad Boy'. Gasps fill the hallway, but I could care less.

I hand him the cup and walk off to first period, books in hand. I look back to see steam pratically coming out of his ears. He looks like the military school type. So what? I've gone too! And it was an all boys school! Showed them.

I walked confidently into first period. I smirked as some people stared with awe. Heheh. The lesson dragged on for about 20 minutes before the new 'Bad Boy' walks in. "Sir, your late." Mr. Perch says. "OK." He replies and walks to the back; sitting next to me.

The whole class was spent with the new guy whispering about stuff I ignored. Mr. Perch finally catches him talking and points at him with a meter stick. "On The Other End of This Stick is an Idiot." He points to the newbie. "Which end?" He smirks. This is going to be a long day...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2014 ⏰

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