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Log One, 1984. Earth 2.

I have found I am not alone. I have found another world I may visit. I have been studying the native lifeforms and Autobots closely and they seem to-.

Log Thirteen, 1984. Earth 2.

My systems have malfunctioned. My logs have been half terminated. I must find another source to power my laboratory.

Log Fifty-Seven, 1986. Delta.

From the data I have collected and analyzed, the amount of energy spent in Earth 4, the D.O.O.R.S. have been rattled. I fear I may no longer jump to the Earth to continue my research.

I managed to retrieve a willing subject before the D.O.O.R.S. collapsed in Omega and the world along with it and a willing subject from Earth 5 who found me walking around.

I have suffered great loss. Two worlds.

This end of Earth 4 was much like my own and I wish to study more. However, I have will have to turn my research to Earth 2, 3, 5, and 6. As a result, I have sent my subject to leave the ship occasionally to the world of Deltas. He collected the energon needed to survive. Due to this worlds lack of it, I fear we may not last long. We must find enough power to another world soon or this crucial knowledge of the doom to all worlds will not be known. My efforts to stop their destruction will not be in vain. Nor will my new assistants'.

Log One Hundred and Nine. Delta.

All Earths have been sustaining well, although with the use of the Allspark power and the Primes, I fear they may not last long. Although each Earth is within a different timeline, the D.O.O.R.S. have no time to recover from the previous beating of pure energy.

I have made a timeline.

Earth 2 (1984): Megatrons use of the sun causing a worldwide issue within the planet, causing earthquakes and storms. Vector Sigma detected.

Earth 3 (IDW- Insufficient Data Withdrawn. I am unsure of this timeline due to massive damage within my system caused by the downfall of Earth 4).

Earth 4 (2007)- Allspark energy used to a max. Beta was not achieved.

Earth 5 (2007)- Allspark energy used, not a sufficient amount to cause damage.
Earth 5 (2009)- Allspark energy detected once again, directed toward sun. Not enough for damage. Matrix of Leadership detected.
Earth 5 (2011)- Matrix of Leadership energy found once again. The D.O.O.R.S. are rattling due to a massive spacebridge at work.
Earth 5 (2014)- The D.O.O.R.S. are beginning to settle. No pure energy used.
Earth 5 (2017)- The D.O.O.R.S. are barely sustaining themselves. Quintession energy has been detected. The D.O.O.R.S. cannot handle these three energies in this world.

Earth 6 (2011)- This energy from this world is clashing with the use of Matrix of Leadership. This world has used many different energy such as Dark Energon, Solus Hammer, Allspark energy, Matrix of Leadership, and Spark extractor. This world may not live much longer. I must send someone to fix their F.L.O.O.R.S.. If not, I fear Earth 6 may be the downfall of all other worlds.

Broken F.L.O.O.R.S and Rotting D.O.O.R.S.Where stories live. Discover now