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Request from @Thatharmonyyo
Thx for the votes. Here we go Camren Shippers

I can't sleep tonight
Wide awake and so confused

I'm laying in bed wide awake. I roll over and check my clock. 11:47. I can't sleep. I think about what's happened recently and I can't wrap my head around it.

Everything's in line
But I am bruised

Everything has gone perfectly normal, but at the same time it's gone so wrong. I'm bruised, broken, shattered.

I need a voice to echo
I need a light to take me home

I need someone to protect me. I need a safeguard, a knight in shining armor.

I kinda need a hero
Is it you?

I need someone to rescue me. Who is it? Is it Dinah, Ally, Normani, Luis, or Camila? I ask myself.

I never see the forest for the trees
I could really use your melody

I roll out of bed and throw on some clothes. I sneak out the back door and walk towards the woods behind my house. I don't go there for the beauty despite the fact that it's gorgeous. I go there simply because it's relaxing.

Plus, Camila and I have or special hiding place there. It's our own place where we can talk, sing, and be goofy together without anyone else there to bother us. The thought of her voice while she's singing brings peace to my mind.

Baby I'm a little blind
I think it's time for you to find me

I'm not at judging things. I'm a little blind when it comes to that stuff. I need someone to help find me. I need her to find me.

Can you be my nightingale?
Sing to me

I need someone to help me. I eventually make my way over to our spot. I hear a soft voice singing. I look up and see Camila.

I know you're there
You could be my sanity

As I walk closer to her I can't help but thinking that Camila is always there for me, whether she knows it or not. She keeps me normal. Well, as normal as possible. She keeps me from going insane.

Bring me peace
Sing me to sleep
Say you'll be my nightingale

"Hi, Camz." I say and she stops singing. "Hey LoLo. What are you doing out here?" She asks. I shrug. "Couldn't sleep. You?" She nods. "Same."

I sit next to her and, for the first time in forever, feel at peace. The night is so calm. I lay down next to her. "Camz?"

"Yea?" I look at her. "Sing me to sleep please." She nods and begins to sing You & I. Right before I fall asleep I whisper one last thing to her. "Say you'll be my nightingale."

Somebody speak to me
Cause I'm feeling like hell

I wandered around school today invisible as always. No one here speaks to me. No one but the girls. Unfortunately, they're all gone today. Ally and Dinah are sick. Lauren and Normani are on a field trip.

I feel horrible today. Not like sick, but just crappy. I've been hiding from this too long.
Finally the school day ends and I go to Lauren's house like I do everyday. As I make my way there, I can't stop thinking about every bad thing that's happened to me.

Need you to answer me
I'm overwhelmed

I ring the doorbell, but no one comes to the door. I try again and again, but there's no answer. I walk home. I need an answer. I can't think straight. I feel like there's huge weight on my chest that I can't push off.

I need a voice to echo
I need a light to guide me home

I need someone to reassure me. I need someone to help guide me back to where I belong. Where I know who I am.

I need a star to follow
I don't know

I need to someone to look up to. I don't know anyone who could be that... or do I?

I never see the forest for the trees
I could really use your melody

I get home, but decide to just drop my bag and head out to my and Lauren's hiding spot in the woods.

I wish Lauren was here with me. Her voice calms me down no matter what. Whether it's singing, talking, or speaking in ridiculous accents. It doesn't matter. She's so calming.

Can you be my nightingale?
Sing to me

I walk into the woods and find my way to the hiding spot. I see Lauren sitting there already. I wonder if she thought if be there like I was yesterday.

I walk up to her and sit next to her. Without greeting her I say, "Sing a song for me please." She begins to sing Through The Dark.

I know you're there
You could be my sanity

Lauren's voice washes over me and I think about how she's always here for me to lean on.
She keeps me from going crazy. She always knows how to calm me down.

Bring me to peace
Sing me to sleep
Say you'll be my nightingale

I'm at peace and begin drifting off to sleep as Lauren continues to sing. "Say you'll be my nightingale." I whisper.

I don't know what I'd without you
Your words are like a whisper cutting through

I'm sitting with Camila in her room watching TV. "Camz?" I ask. "Yea Lo?" I sigh. "I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you in my life." I confess.

She shuts off the TV. "It's ok Lo. You are great. You'd have someone else to help you out." She reassures me.

As long as you are with me here tonight
I'm good

"Don't leave me." I whisper. "Never." She whispers back. "I love you Camz." I say. "I love you too LoLo." She replies.

I lean in a kiss her. She kisses me back.

Can you be my nightingale?
Feels so close

"Be my nightingale." I say. She snuggles closer to me. "I'm always here for you."

I know you're there
Oh, nightingale

I know she'll never leave me. She's my safeguard and I'm her protector.

Sing to me
I know you're there

"Sing to me." I request. She sings Nightingale and I begin to relax.

'Cause baby you're my sanity
You bring me peace

I feel peaceful and begin to fall asleep in her arms. Finally, my thoughts aren't driving me crazy for once.

Sing me to sleep
Say you'll be my nightingale

As she finished the song I feel myself falling asleep. "Say you'll be my nightingale." She sings the final note and I completely fall asleep in her arms. For once, completely and utterly happy.

Sorry for the delay. I was at a camp where we didn't have our phones. Then, I was in Minnesota and the reception there sucks. Then I got my phone taken away. It's all good now. I got it back.
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Thanks for reading this
Love you all

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