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Request from @CAMRENSHIPPER1 (Thanks for requesting this song. I love this song)
I drove by all the places we used to hang out getting wasted
I thought about our last kiss, how it felt, the way you tasted

I was driving. I didn't have anywhere in particular I was going. I just needed to get out. I drove past Lenny's, an old bar we used to hangout at. The place we met.

"I'll have a scotch on the rocks." I ordered as I sat down at the bar after a long day at work. It's hard enough being the youngest architect to break ground on a skyscraper in San Francisco, but when you add on family/relationship struggles, it just gets harder.
My parents disowned me when I came out to them as lesbian. My fiancé, who I was supposed to marry in two weeks, cheated on me with her ex. My life's been pretty bad recently.

"I'll have two shots if the hardest vodka you've got." I hear & turn around. "That's pretty strong." I tell her. "I need it after what I've been through."

We spent the rest of the night talking and getting to know each other. We continued to meet up there & eventually I asked her out. It was the start to the best relationship.
*End of Flashback*

I shake my head and keep going until another memory comes to me. The last kiss we had.

"Camz, you know I love you, but I've got to leave. It's getting really late & I have work tomorrow." She pouted. "Fine, but not before you give me my goodbye kiss." I giggled & nodded.
We kissed, but it felt different. Not bad, but she seemed to be putting everything into it." I wonder why?

*End of Flashback*
I can still remember the taste if her cherry lipstick.

And even though you're friends tell me you're doing fine
Are you somewhere feeling lonely even though he's right beside you?

My phone started ringing, bringing me out of my thoughts. I answered it. "Hello?"

"Hey Laur, where are you? We're all worried." Dinah sounded genuinely concerned. I sighed. "How's Camila?" Dinah hesitated. "She's good. She's doing fine." I frowned. "Are you sure?" She answered quickly. "Yeah, she's got Austin with her. She's good." My frown deepened hearing his name. I really don't like him.

When he says those words that hurt you,
Do you read the ones I wrote you?

He bothers me. I hate him. Not just because he's got her & I don't, but I know he abuses her. Not physically, but verbally.

I remember I visited her one time & Austin came back drunk off his ass. He sat there and yelled at her calling her a bitch, whore, & every other name in the book.

When we were dating I wrote her love letters, poems, anything to keep her smiling. I hope she still reads them when he yells at her.

Sometimes I start to wonder was it just a lie?
If what we had was real how could you be fine?
Cos I'm not fine at all

I sigh & ask Dinah the same question I've asked every time we talk. "Did we actually happen? Was she just lying to me?" She sighs as well. "No, Lauren, you guys did actually happen. She was so happy with you."

"How can she be fine if we felt the same about each other? I'm still dying inside and she's already dating someone else!"

"I don't know Lo. I don't know." I feel the tears building up and quickly choke out, "I've gotta go." before hanging up. I think back to the day we broke up.

I remember the day you told me you were leaving
I remember the makeup running down your face
And the dreams you left behind you don't need them
Like every single wish we ever made

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