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  I arranged the files neatly and looked at my wristwatch. 

AH! It almost 1:30 ! I didn't have my lunch yet. No wonder I'm so hungry..

The door suddenly flung open, revealing Sandeul. As soon as his feet were in the room, he locked the door in hurry.

"Why?Why? What happened?" My hands reached for his shoulders. He panted. 

"G-Got7 is here!"

"What?! Got7?!" 

Got7, one of the  most wanted and well-known gang in Korea. 

"But what are they doing here?" I began to panic. I decided to call Yoongi using the earpiece.

"Yeah, hyung?" Yoongi raspy voice reached my ear.

"Yoongi-ah, are you working?"

"Yeah, but I'm having my lunch now. Why?"

"Got7 is here!"

"What?! I will send the boys."

We ended the call. "Who is that?" Sandeul asked me.

"My bro-" I shut my mouth when someone knocked on the door softly.

"Hello CEO-nim~ Come play with us." A young man's voice greeted me. "I don't want to be rude, so come out now~" He said in a singing manner. I took a deep breath and made my way to the door. Sandeul trailed behind.

I opened the door.



  My fingers danced on the keyboard of my laptop swiftly. I pushed my glasses slightly onto my nose bridge. I was in Jimin's cafe, doing some analysis for a case. I sipped my coffee. My earpiece suddenly vibrated indicating that someone is calling. I heard the caller mentioned my name.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"Namjoon-ah, send the boys to Seokjin-hyung's company, Got7 is there. Don't forget to bring my laptop with you." Without introducing himself, Yoongi-hyung commanded.

"Okay,hyung." I ended the call. I clicked the small button on the earpiece twice to call Jimin. My eyes averted around the cafe to find him whilst my hands were busy picking up files.

" Jimin-ah."

"Yes, hyung?"

"We're rolling. Got7. I will prepare the van."

"Roger that."



  I followed the 4 boys in front of me. All of them wore a different kind of animal mask. I kept my eyes on them whilst my mouth still talking to Yoongi. They had took over my security officers' weapon. 

These boys must be skillful.

"Hyung, I want you to record what is happening right now with your camera glasses. The camera will be connected to my laptop at home. I will ask the boys to monitor it." Yoongi gave me a long instructions.

"Okay." I muttered under my breath carefully to not let the Got7 members hear me. I pressed on the small button on my glasses frame to activate the camera.

"What do you guys want?" I tried not to let my guards down. We stopped in front of an elevator.

"Don't worry. We're not here to rob.." The long legs boy answered.  The elevator's door open showing two girls. One with medium-long straight blonde hair with cat mask. The other one with long straight black hair wore a tiger mask. Her eyes looks like it were belongs to a cat.

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