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  The sound of the bell stopped ringing for a while after almost an hour of people coming and going and entering and exiting. Whether it was to buy breakfast or just to stop by for some warmth to fight the chilly autumn wind. From inside the café, Jimin could see people rushing to their destination, he also could see people chilling with either coffee or tea in their hands, he also could see how the autumn leaves fell from the tree and flew with the rhythm of the wind to somewhere.

But instead his eyes only found a person who was chilling inside his café with her hot chocolate.

He smiled.

"You're so in love. Oh my gosh!" Taehyung yelled, making Jimin flinched. He slapped Taehyung's hand lightly.

"Be quiet, Tae!" Jimin hissed.

"Manager-nim is in love?!" Jimin turned around only to see Sejun standing behind him with his sparkling eyes.

Jimin eye-smiled. "Sejun-ah, I told you to call me Hyung, right?" Jimin said, trying to change the topic.

Sejun gasped. "I'm sorry, Man-I mean J-Jimin-h-hyung." He smiled sheepishly. Jimin patted his head. He stopped when something landed on his head before slipping off and landed on the floor. His eyes widened when he saw what it was. He snapped his head towards Taehyung.

"Did you just throw that towel?"

Taehyung nodded as he pursed his lips. "And I just use it to clean the table." Jimin's jaw dropped. "Annndd.." Taehyung grinned. "I didn't wash it yet."

Taehyung's laugh echoed as Jimin struggled to grab his collar with his short hand from behind the counter. Just then, someone coughed. Both of them stopped their movement.

Jungkook pointed his finger towards Jimin threateningly. "Don't change the topic, Hyung." He smirked. Jimin's eyes turned into those belong to the cutest puppy ever exist, begging for mercy from these cruel humans.

Jungkook stared at him.

What am I gonna do? Say no?

Well, I'm gonna say it.

"No. Stop it." Jungkook shook his head. Jimin pouted. "It's not working. You admit it or I can help you tell her." He wiggled his eyebrows. Jimin widened his eyes.

"She's just right there, hyung~ " Jimin didn't move, face red. Taehyung and Sejun covered their mouth, trying not to laugh as they smacked each other playfully.

"Chilling with her hot chocolate, hyung~ " Jungkook leaned towards the counter, closer to Jimin.

"I can reach there in a second, hyuuunngg~~ "Closer.

"Admit it or-" Jungkook got cut off when Jimin's hand covered his face, well almost and both Taehyung and Sejun burst out laughing but cough right after when they saw a customer approaching them. They went back to doing their work after greeting the customer.

"Tony~!" Jimin greeted with his signature eye-smile.

"Chim Chim~!" They high-fived each other. Tony then fist-bumped Jungkook. Jimin made an annoyed face at the maknae.

"Go to school, kid." He knows that Jungkook wouldn't leave until he admits his feelings towards Hanni.


I chuckled looking at the two bickering boys at the counter. It's even funnier when the tall customer didn't even bother to stop them but instead laughing at them. After about a month living here, I could tell that most of their customers were so used to see them bickering and running around that they were unbothered by them.

The Robinhood | BTS Mafia/Gang AUWhere stories live. Discover now