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Robin: Zzzzzz...
Robin: Huh!?
Robin: Woah!
Robin: What a powerful spell! Looks like it came from over there.
Nino: Ah...
Nino: I don't think the spell was supposed to destroy that many trees...
Nino: I really messed that one up, I hope no one...
Robin: Hey! Did you cast that...
Nino: Aaaah!
Robin: Oof!
Nino: Oh no!
Nino: S...sorry. You startled me.
Robin: Heh. It's alright. You're NIno, right?
Nino: Yeah! And you're... um... Robert?
Nino: No... Robin!
Robin: Correct.
Robin: That was some spell!
Nino: You saw that!?
Nino: Aah! I'm so embarrassed...
Robin: Don't be! I don't think I've ever seen a spell that powerful before.
Nino:R...really?...But what's the point if I can't control it?
Robin: Everything takes time. Just practice some more, and I'm sure you'll be able to control it!
Nino: Hmm... okay! Thanks Robin, that makes me feel better!
Nino: Do you have any advice?
Robin: Let me think... I know!
Robin: When I try to learn a spell, I usually read out all the letters one by one.
Nino: ...But...
Robin: Oh! I have to go meet Kiran for a strategy meeting.
Robin: Good luck, Nino; I know you can do it!
Nino: ...Aah...
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