The crash

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The city landscape blurred as Zoe rode by on her bike, a steady stream of coloured Christmas lights and steamy windows and the scent of freshly baked bread making her stomach rumble as she passed by the fabulous cafés and ritzy bistros. She rode as slow as possible to avoid slipping on ice and eventually break her neck. She sighed, and then arranged her blue scarf that was falling off her shoulders every 10 seconds. She didn't want to go shopping alone. She wanted someone next to her. Someone to make her feel warm all the time. Like...a boyfriend?

Alfie was on his way to the beautiful appartment he owned right in the city centre. He was carrying two big and heavy plastic bags. He passed by the shops that were nicely decorated with twinkling lights and adorabale Santa plushies. Inhaling the cold air and some tiny snowflakes, Alfie thought about the fact that he didn't have someone special to spend the Christmas with. Of course, he had a lot of friends and his relatives were in town, but he wanted someone a little more special. A girlfriend perhaps?

Zoe was looking at all the traffic lights. Red, stop. Green, go. Repeating all over again. There were two more blocks before the mall, and the light was green for Zoe. A second before the pedestrian cross, the light turned red and a foot, then a hand holding a big plastic bag were seen  from behind a huge van that was parked right before the pedestrian cross. Zoe pumped hard on the brakes, but she knew it wouldn't stop. 'Watch out!' she heard somewhere from behind just before the impact.


Everyone around gasped and screamed. Panick. Zoe blacked out for a couple of minutes and then she woke up to a man dressed in a very elegant suit and an 80 year old woman that were asking her if she can stand up. She looked around and saw a group of people freaking out and calling for an ambulance. Lying on her back, Zoe could feel the hard, cold ice through her coat. Her arms were weak, but she was still trying to support on them to get up and eventually the man helped her. She felt overwhelmed by the situation: cars on the street honking, people coming out of the cars to make sure it's all ok, people running around and ambulance sirens.


Then she remembered. Zoe ran to the victim that was lying unconcious with two bags scattered around him, with Christmass stuff that fell out of them. She kneelt next to him and saw his beautiful facial features: thick-but-not-very eyebrows, an adorable nose,blushed cheeks, lips that Zoe would call attractive, all contained in a long, oval face. Even if his eyes were closed, Zoe could assume that he had gorgeous eyes.

Wait a second...this description...oh no! She hit Alfie! But of course she didn't know his identity, they never met before. Zoe just felt bad for him because he was an innocent guy, on a late Wednesday stroll that just did his last minute shoppings. They already had something in common.

Before Zoe could shake him to see if he was alright, two people from the ambulance demanded for space around the victim. She backed out and looked as Alfie was carried into the ambulance. Slowly, people started to dissapear and Zoe, still shocked, started looking for her bike. It flew across the street, God knows how, and she sighed. When she was about to cross the street she saw the bags that Alfie was holding. 

'Maybe I should take them and give them back to him.' she whispered to herself. 'At least that's what I can do.'

I was thinking that it would be a better idea to do third person view descriptions as it is easier to describe places, the atmosphere, etc., and maybe it is a little bit confusing to change from a point of view to another all the time.


A Special Christmas Gift |Zalfie|Where stories live. Discover now