Time to do another one

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  • Dedicated to Tossing For Taffypop

1. Will you answer every question honestly?


2. Have you ever stayed up all night while drunk or high?

I've never been drunk/high

3. Have you ever punched anyone in the face?


4. Do you miss anything or anyone?

My best friends.

5. What makes you laugh no matter what?

My best friends.

6. Have you kissed anyone on the lips within the past five hours?


7. Who was the last person you talked to?


8. What do you dislike at the moment?


9. Name one person on your top friends who is the most like you?

Jamie or Lindsay


1. Do you get butterflies around the guys/girls you like?


2. Do you think it is bad to have sex at your age?

I think if that's what you wanna do, I can't stop you, but I personally wouldn't.

3. Will you get married?

I don't belive in marriage.

4. Will you be doing drugs in the near future?


5. Do you lie about your age?



1. If you were to have sex right now would you use a condom?

I'm uncomfotable with this question. (But yes.)

2. Are you happy with yourself?


3. Would you change yourself for the person you love?


4. What do you tell yourself when times get hard?

Jamie, Meaghan, Santina, Lindsay, Sam. Over and over again.


1. When did you last cry?

Last night.

2. Do you believe in religion?


3. When was the last time you fell asleep with a girl?

A few weeks ago?

4. What is currently on your mind?

My best friends

5. Did you ever wish a close friend to death?


6. Has a guy ever seriously punched you more than once?

No. They know better.

7. Have you ever made out until you ran out of breath?

Never even kissed anyone.

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