Chapter 5

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Mark's pov

You know when you're sitting in a room full of teenagers, that you can't help but have fun, drink and play games, laugh if someone said a joke, well not here me, Sam, Martin, Isaac, Scott and Megan, we were all sitting in our game room with drinks, snacks and all kinds of entertainment but we all felt awkward, hell I would've walk away a long time ago if it wasn't for my promise to Martin, I mean I’m not cold blooded and I know Megan needs some kind of contact with me so that she doesn't lose her strength.

Mate, that was the word everyone was avoiding and I was thankful for that.

Megan had gotten off of work and Martin talked her into coming over, she agreed but it seem like she didn't want to be here. And that really irked me, here I’m trying to be civil so that she doesn't suffer but does she notice? No, not even a fucking thanks!

I got up from my seat and put music on, Eminem and Akon, 'Smack that ass', yeah it was old but fuck it I liked it.

I started wording the lyrics and Martin was doing it too, my lines were Eminem's and Martin's were Akon.

Megan turns to look at us while we sing and dance to it, yeah we were white boys rapping, and so was Eminem so get over it.

When the song was over, Megan grinned at Martin and stood up laughing and went to hug him, I almost missed when Scott stiffen but then relax.

‘’Boy you know how to dance, dude we should totally do a duet at the spring musical.’’ She said sounding honest and for a minute I saw the happy smiling girl I never saw before, how could I? Since the night I met her, I crush her heart.

I swallowed and shook my head, trying to shake those thoughts out of my head; man hanging with these guys is messing with my shit.

‘’I don't know, I only do it with Mark since me and him have our twin connection, we know how to be sync, sorry Megs.’’ Martin apologizes to her and at the mention of my name Megan drops her smile, as if just remembering I was still here.

It was getting annoying, she talked to everyone but me and I wanted to shout at her, grow the fuck up, so I didn’t want you so what, you can find someone else.

I was looking at Scott, who was looking at Martin and Megan, he seemed uneasy kind of like he was jealous.

‘’Dude.’’ I whisper and he turned to look at me, and I chuckle.

‘’What?’’ He snaps glaring at me, he and Isaac were still mad at me for rejecting their friend but the need to make my brother and sister happy was first, and they knew they would be happy if they are nice with me.

‘’You're not really jealous? Are you?’’ I raised my eyebrow at him in a hush tone, so no one but me and the wolves would hear; he blushed and shook his head no very slow.

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