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"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" I screamed out.

"What the hell are you doing! Close the fucking door!" Hendrix hollered at me.

"Right right!" I stand in the doorway in shock as I don't move and freak out internally.

I'm broken out of my trance when Hendrix yells again for me to the shut the door. I apologize profusely once more as I slam the door and wobble back to Braelyn's room. I open her door and see she is laying on her bed while texting on her phone. She drops her phone and turns to me as soon as she hears my footsteps entering the room.

"What the hell just happened?" She questioned me. Her voice sounded slightly teasing and she giggled softly.

"I do not want to talk about it... please." I respond to her. She giggles even more before shrugging. Braelyn had the Ed around and gotten back on her phone but not before winking at me. I reach around the bed and throw the first pillow I feel at her head.

"Not funny."

"Kinda is actually."

I furrow my eyebrows and throw my hands over my face before throwing myself backwards on Braelyn's bed. I laugh in embarrassment as I rethink the events of just a few minutes ago. Sitting up, I tell her that I am going to get a glass of water.

I struggle down the stairs and head into the kitchen. The stainless steel appliances look magnificent against the marble counters and modern light fixtures. I had to search a lot of their cupboards before I even found the cups. I placed the ice setting on crushed and wait impatiently for the cup to fill with water.

After it does fill up, I walk over to the sink and basically chug the entire glass of water. I placed the glass in the sink and then decide to hobble over to the lounge room. It wasn't long before I heard footsteps making their way down the stairs. I prayed and begged that it wasn't who I thought it was but of course no one was on my side to and it was Hendrix himself. The ominous sound of his feet thudding against the floor did not stop until he was close enough that I could hear his breathing.

¡ !

I sat on the couch in the lounge room, not even knowing how to address the situation. My eyes were wide and my body was tense. Hendrix sat in a recliner just a few feet away from my own position. I glanced out of the corner of my eye and he was just staring at his feet.

"I'm so sor-" I began to apologize but Hendrix cut me off mid-sentence.

"Not yet," he spoke.

"Yes okay," I replied awkwardly. I never once thought that I would know about the small dimple above his right cheek and now I can't get it out of my mind. If there was a bleach for memories I would be using that shit pronto. We sat in silence for just a small amount of time longer as the fireplace crackled and slightly lit up the lounge room. I could feel the heat on my cheeks and it made them colored with a light shade of pink. At least that's what I told myself because I didn't want to believe I was blushing from the prior occurences.

"Okay. I'm good. At least as good as I'll ever be," Hendrix stated.

"I'm so so so so so so sorry. Ill just pretend it never happened. Even though I can't get it out of my head. Not that there a lot to see. I mean, no offense there was a lot to see but- oh my gosh I'm making it worse."

A sound that I never expected to come out of Hendrix's mouth made its way to the surface- he chuckled. I flipped my head towards him so quickly in shock you'd think God was standing at my front door. He chuckled a little more before beginning to full-on laugh. I tried to hold my laughter in, but Hendrix's was so contagious and I fell into a fit of giggles. We laughed for a couple minutes and my eyes started to water.

"It's okay... just don't mention it to anyone. At all. Seriously," Hendrix spoke to me with an almost warning tone in his voice. My eyes widen when my heart rate quickens a small amount. I shift slightly in my seat and respond,"Um, if course not", add a nervous giggle,"Pinky promise."

I held out my pinky finger in front of Hendrix and he didn't return the favor. I slowly retract my hand and go back to staring at the floor awkwardly. Hendrix stands and walks closer to me. He large, tan left hand grabbed my arm and pulled me up front my chair. I hop a little bit on my good leg trying to get a comfortable stance. I'm staring at my crutches longingly when he yanks my arm a little bit to grab my attention again.

Hendrix leans forward and my breath hitches as he slowly moves closer and closer to my face. My eyes shift to his full lips and my chest rapidly rises and falls as I catch my breath and it's pace quickens. As he is less than an inch from my face, he slides his lips to my ear and says,"Not a word."

He let me go and walked casually up the staircase towards his bedroom. I stumble backwards and fall back onto the couch as my eyes follow his moving figure. I sit there in shock for many minutes before realizing I should head to bed. I take a deep breath and make my way back into Braelyn's bedroom. My phone died prior to arriving at the house so I plugged it in next to the bed. It wasn't until I was laying in bed that I realize that Hendrix was still in just a towel when I talked to him in the lounge room.

¡ !

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