Have you ever wished someone was made of crystal clear glass? As in you could look right at them and see how dirty their soul is. Think about it carefully. Imagine a world where we could literally see the evil inside someone. This way we'd have a way of knowing who to avoid and prevent future disaster.
Unfortunately, no such ability exists. Temptation and vulnerability exist in everyone. This helps make bullying possible. And since we don't have that special ability I was just talking about, it makes it ten times harder to deal with it.
But if you feel trapped and so alone because of bullying. There is a time you have to make up your mind and know exactly what to do. Never let your guard down because of someone else.
This story may not be true and the characters are fictitious, but it is an adaption of the millions of people around the world who get bullied. This story is a dedication to anyone who gets bullied.
Remember matter how bullied you get, have faith. Ending your life via suicide doesn't help a thing. You are more powerful than any bully. You have the ability to make a stand. Sometimes forgiving people and learning to let things go will not only help end bullying, but will help improve your whole life. You don't have to cut yourself or end your life. You are worth way more than that. You are amazing just the way you are :) There are over seven billion people on this earth...don't let a few bring you down.